You fall in love with him.(MASHTON)

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"ASHTON IRWIN" You screamed loudly. "You cant catch me!" Ashton said running away holding your beanie you had just bought. He said he liked it better without it. You ran and ran as fast as you could. Before you knew it you were falling down the hill. You had hit a rock and cut your knee wide open. You breathed heavily trying not to cry. You looked up too see that Ashton had ran farther and farther never turning around. You shook your head and let the tears flood. You saw a blurry figure coming forward towards you. You could hear his breathing from a mile away. Letting out a laugh you heard Ashton breathing heavily trying to make his words out carefully. "I. Got. You. A. Band-aid". Ashton said almost falling over. You looked up at him and he made a funny face trying to make you laugh. He wiped your tears away and placed a band-aid over you knee He leaned over and rubbed your knee making you giggle. "Better?" you looked up at him and smiled. "Much", He stopped smiling and stared at you. "A-ashton?", you said before he placed his lips to yours. and that moment you knew. You loved him.


You heard yelling and sreaming. No names were said, just screams. You laughed as you walked into your 7year old brother's room to see him and Michael playing xbox. You rolled your eyes at the boys. "Ha!" Michael laughed pointing at your brother. Your brother stuck his tounge out at him. Michael laughed, but played along. "loser!" Your brother yelled. "I WON!" Michael laughed. (Y/B/N), your brother, pushed Michael. "Oh yeah?!" Michael swiftly pulled your brother up tickling him making him laugh. "(Y/N) HELP ME!" He screamed. Michael looked up seeing you. You winked and Michael turned him upside down reviling his small stomach. You blew into his small stomach making a farting sound making him laugh loudly. Michael turned him over and he giggled. Michael whispered something into your brothers ear. Tey both gave you a evil look and began to tickle you making you laughing kicking in every direction. "Stop! Stop!" You laughed at the two goofballs. Michael stopped and looked into your eyes, making you melt.

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