#04 The Changing.

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"Mae's P. O. V."


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"Has anyone tried climbing to the top?" Thomas asks while using a shovel to dig out some space from the dirt

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"Has anyone tried climbing to the top?" Thomas asks while using a shovel to dig out some space from the dirt. It's morning and I'm not out in the Maze because today's my rest day. But because I get bored of not doing anything, and want to spend time with Newt, I'm helping him out. "Tried it. The ivy doesn't go all the way to the top." Newt answers.

"And besides, where are you gonna go from there?" He adds. "What about the box? You know, next time it comes up-" "No, we've tried that." Newt says, interrupting him. "The box won't go back down with someone in it." He explains while I tie better together two sticks that seem to be bonded together too loose for my liking.

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