#07 The Last One.

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"Mae's P. O. V."


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I slowly sit up from the bed at the hut where sick Gladers are taken and stretch my arms

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I slowly sit up from the bed at the hut where sick Gladers are taken and stretch my arms. Last night in the Maze, Minho and Thomas took shifts awake, just in case another Griever wanted to come, and because I wasn't in the 'Best Shape', they insisted on me to just sleep. But it was pretty hard to get some proper rest by laying against hard concrete.

And repeatedly waking up due to fear of another Griever coming didn't help either. And now that there's a softer material to rest on, I can't rest. Maybe my body is still taking in the fact that I'm not in danger any more. Hopefully. As I place my arms down against my sides again, I feel everything shaking before a loud noise is heard.

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