#06 Sundown In The Maze.

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"Mae's P. O. V."


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I let out a heavy puff of air and stop for a few seconds, taking in a few breaths and trying to walk again with my shaky legs, the muscles in my calves aching and stinging

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I let out a heavy puff of air and stop for a few seconds, taking in a few breaths and trying to walk again with my shaky legs, the muscles in my calves aching and stinging. The sun is seconds away from no longer providing its bright light while we're still walking. I don't even know where we're going.

So I'm just following Minho and Tom who are carrying Alby by each holding a leg with an arm around their shoulders so he doesn't fall. "How you doing Mae?!" Tom asks, barely glancing back in my direction. Terrible. "I'm right behind you!" I yell back. Tom and Minho make it to another long, roofless hall and they turn around to see in which direction to go now.

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