#02 Bonfire Of Memory.

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"Mae's P. O. V. "


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I stay sat on the log with my feet on top of it too, the back of my calves and thighs against each other while I have my chin rested on my forearms that are on my knees

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I stay sat on the log with my feet on top of it too, the back of my calves and thighs against each other while I have my chin rested on my forearms that are on my knees. It's night and the guys here threw a Bonfire for some reason. I wonder if they do this every night? Or maybe just once in a while.

I'm just watching them 'celebrating', whatever it is. A guy is doing some spins and backflips while the rest are just talking with smiles on their faces, a few of them playing some 'drums' which actually isn't that bad. "What are you doing here all alone Greenie?" I hear a familiar voice ask. The same voice that's been stuck in my head all day.

With the same British accent.

I turn my head to the side to see Newt sitting next to me, having a jar in his hand with a yellowish liquid. "Nothing. Just watching." I answer, shifting from my position, placing a foot down on the ground and now just resting my elbow on my knee, keeping my head up. "Alone?" He asks and I nod before speaking.

"I don't think I'm very social." I say. "I just think you haven't gotten used to this yet." He says, taking a sip of whatever's inside the jar. "I think it's the fact that I'm a girl." I say, looking neutrally at everybody else. "There's nothing bad in being a girl." He says and I give him a weirdish look.

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