Chapter 20: Compliance

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Being stuck in here is mind-numbingly boring. In the cell I at least had the sink to fiddle with, and I could count tiles on the walls. In here, everything is dark. It's too small to pace in circles, and singing while playing drums on my legs got old quickly.

The day passes painfully slowly.

As Alex wanted, being locked up in here has given me time to reflect on my escape attempts. I do regret them, but unfortunately for him, I do not regret trying to escape. I only regret my rashness. I was always angry or upset. I saw opportunities, then went for them just hoping for the best, not really thinking things through. Now that I know Alex won't assault me again, I can take my time planning the next one.

None of my previous escape plans have had any idea of what to do after getting away from him. That's going to change. I need a map of the city, and a plan to get over the city wall. I also need to find a way to disable this chip in my neck. That will require some research.

I'm allowed out for a few minutes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. After dinner, I try get some sleep.

* * * * * * * *

These last few hours have felt just as long as the first forty-four. Maybe it's because it's so close to being over that I'm just out of patience?

I'm internally jumping for joy when I hear his footsteps.

The door opens and he pokes his head inside. "It's been forty-eight hours. Have you learnt your lesson?"

"Yes," I say, eager to get out.

"Good. Come out as far as the chain allows you."

I do as he says, standing just outside the door. I do feel a little bad lying to him. I'm definitely going to escape. Then again, why should I feel bad? He has no right to keep me as a pet. I push that stupid feeling aside.

I have to remind myself not to flinch as he brings his hands up to my neck. I'm still adjusting to the idea that he'll no longer attack me.

The padlock unlocks with a click. The chain slides off my neck and hits the floor with a satisfying thud. I'm glad to be done with that.

"Your clothes are on the bed. Pack them away in your drawers."

My drawers? I want to ask what he's talking about, but I remember how angry he got last time I interrupted him.

"Everything must be either neatly folded or hung up. I do not want to find any clothes crumpled up in a ball. When you're done with that, go shower," he orders.

I give a small nod, still unsure of whether he is done speaking.

"Keep the chain in one of your drawers. Every time we leave the house, I expect you to be waiting for me at the front door with it locked around your neck. When I meet you at the door, you will hand me the end of the chain along with the key without me having to ask."

Ugh. Why does he have to make it so embarrassing?

"Lastly, if you are foolish enough to break another rule, you will remove all the clothes from the wardrobe and place them neatly on the bed. Next, you will secure the chain around your neck and the metal loop. Then when I'm ready, I will collect the key from you, close the door, and your time will start. Understand?"

Whatever. The next rule I break will be escaping, and when that happens, I won't be around for his stupid routine.

"Understand?" He sounds frustrated. Crap, I forgot to nod.

"Yea," I blurt out.

He turns and heads out the door.


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