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Athena Elle Carter

"Okay wish me luck" I say to Erica. "Good luck and I'm so listening to this one" she smirks sitting down putting on her headset. She sends me a thumbs up making me laugh as I walk in.

I straighten my posture and stop smiling. I realised people don't take you serious when you don't display how strong you are.

My eyes look at the back of the blonde and she was leaning against a mans shoulder.

"Hi" I announce. Then I sit in my chair looking down at the file in front of me.

'Lia Stone' it read. I open it up then hear her clear her throat.

"So I wasn't  sure what this would be like since there was no description, could you give me an idea?" She asks. I still don't look up, I just look down at her information.

"That's the point Miss Stone, you need to be prepared for anything" I say plainly. "Right, how helpful" she mumbles.

I keep reading through her file completely confused to why she applied. "Are you just going to look at my file or ask me questions?"

Ugh how rude?

I avert my eyes and look at up. My whole heart stops beating and my mouth gapes open. What the fuck was Shawn Mendes doing in my office.

He was looking back at me like he had something to say, his eyes were sad I guess. But I wouldn't give in to him, I hadn't for two years, I was sure I could survive a couple extra minutes.

"Why are you staring?" Lia scoffs. I quickly look at her seeing her face for the first time.

I had to brush away absolutely anything I was feeling right now. I hadn't seen him in two years since what happened and I wasn't about to express all my anger now or show any emotions.

"Miss Stone why did you apply?" I ask leaning back on my chair. "To model of course" she perks up. I decide to keep my eyes on her rather than Shawn, I wasn't about to let him distract me, he hadn't distracted me for two years and it wasn't about to happen now.

"In your file it says you have no experience" I point out. "We asked for experience, why would I hire you if you can't follow or read the requirements" I say. It was harsh but this was my job.

"But I'm Lia Stone, I already have a name" she shoots.

"I also have a name. I don't really care who you are" I laugh grabbing her file.

"But I deserve it-"

"So do the other girls" I quickly cut her off. "Athena-"

"You mean Miss Carter" I cut her off again and she looked livid. "Miss Carter" She grits her teeth. "My father Dave Stone is a very well known lawyer and I could sue you for wrongful hiring and discrimination" she said it like she had just shown me up.

"I know who your father is, he works in the building opposite here. Unfortunately your suit won't even be admissible because they're bullshit, you simply don't meet the requirements and also blackmail? Really?" I scoff completely unimpressed.

"My dad will sue you!"

"Calm down Lia" Shawn whispers placing a hand on her leg.

"And it's completely unprofessional to bring your partner to an interview. It shows you're weak and not independent and that's not the image we want to give off" I close her folder crossing my arms over my chest.

"I know your history with him-"

"Stop Lia" Shawn shoots.

"You're just intimidated by me because I got the one you wanted. It's a shame he cheated, it shows he was tired of you" she shoots, her voice getting higher and louder.

"Lia stop it" Shawn shouts. I finally look at him seeing how angry he looked. Wow he really bagged a good girl.

"Intimated huh?" I laugh sarcastically. "I'm doing better than you financially and socially. I am not intimidated by someone who relies on her dad. Also a cheater is someone who also lies, they're unfaithful and loyalty is nothing to them. Now leave my office!" I tell them standing up.

"Didn't your Daddy pay for all your shit? And it must be sad being so lonely. Did you never move on?" She pouts. She laughs then stands up.

She takes Shawn's hand and he stands up following her like the bitch he is. Before he leaves he turns around sending me a sad smile.

What the fuck was that? After two years I see him like this with his new girlfriend. I got rid off him. I did everything to avoid him for myself, I couldn't bare to see him but after six months of sulking and living with my parents I moved out and did everything I could to be successful in my own

"That was intense, also you and Shawn Mendes?" Erica asks as she shuts the door walking in. I didn't want to tell anyone since they would immediately treat me differently, despite our relationship being very public I did everything to avoid his name and after today I hope I never see him again.

"After these interviews we're going out for drinks and you're telling me everything" she points at me. "Drinks are on you then!" I shout as she walks out.

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