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Athena Elle Carter

"Don't make us public yet" I tell Shawn as he had his arms wrapped around me. The two of us cuddled up on the sofa.

"I won't but don't you think people have seen us together?" He asks rubbing his hand up and down my thigh. "I don't think so. I haven't heard or seen anything" I shrug.

"That's fine then we'll have to lay low" he kisses the top of my head.

It felt nice. It all felt good being back in his arms however I couldn't help but think how toxic we used to be. We'd fight and make up over and over again. Say things we didn't mean.

Come on Athena stop! You've both changed!

"Let's go to bed, you can stay the night" I get up and he takes my hand immediately, following me to my room. He gets in behind me pulling me closer. "I missed holding you" he sighs.

"I've missed it too" I hum. I close my eyes and let my body be held by him.

"Athena someone's at the door!" Shawn shakes me. "They'll go away" I groan briefly opening my eyes I pull him back down cuddling up to his arm. "They're still knocking" he chuckles.

"Fine I'll go" I huff getting up. I put on a hoodie and leave the room going to open the door.

"About time" my dad steps in giving me a hug. "Daddy? Hi" I chuckle nervously hugging him.

"You just woke up? This is what happens when you don't have a job huh" He chuckles walking to the living room. "Hi mum" she gives me a hug "How you been holding up?" She asks as we walk to the living room.

"Good, I love being unemployed" I say sarcastically. I looked to the side seeing that Shawn hadn't left the bedroom yet and I prayed he didn't.

"Have you been looking around? I have contacts I can look around for you" dad says. "No I'm good, I'm just gonna lay low for a while" I shrug.

"Athena honey can I have some tea?" Mum asks. "Yeah sure, green?" I ask. She hums a yes and dad asks for coffee. I walk away quickly to the kitchen taking five minutes to make the teas I walk back in and Shawn was walking in, shirtless.

"Athena who was it?" He asks. We both walk in at the same time. I freeze holding the two cups in my hands. Shawn looks at my parents then back at me.

"What's he doing here Athena?" Dad asks looking up at me. "Shawn go put a shirt on" I tell him. I put the cups down and sit down, Shawn walks away.

"So?" Mum asks waiting for me to say something. "We're back together" I say under my breath.

They look between each other then back at me. "What happened to that Leon boy he was nice-"

"Very well, invite him over for dinner then" mum cuts off dad. "But Elle, he broke her heart" his eyes soften as he looks at my mother.

"Richard she's old enough and time has passed" Mum says then faces me. "Is he going to stay in your room then?" She chuckles.

I shake my head standing up going to my room. Shawn was sat there at the edge of my edge. "Hey" he looks up at me smiling. I walk forward standing between his legs, he wraps his arms around my waist. "Everything okay?" He asks.

"Do you want to say hi to my parents, you don't have to but mum wants to see you" I tell him. "And your dad?" He looks up at me with worried eyes, I knew this would be awkward for him. In our relationship he only met my dad twice and both times were bad.

"Yeah" I nod. He stands up pressing his lips against mine. "Don't be nervous" I cup his jaw in my hand. "I'm not" he shakes his head.

He was.

I run my hand down his arm then link our hands together. He sends me a warm smile then I turn and lead him to the living room seeing just my mum.

"I'm sorry Athena, your dad had business to take care off" she sends me a sad smile.

Yeah right he had business.

"Oh okay, anyway he's here" I chuckle nervously. Mum gets up walking towards Shawn. She gives him a hug, "it's nice to see you Mrs Carter" Shawn smiles pulling back.

"You too Shawn" she smiles.

We all sit down and mum sends me a look. A look that almost questions what I'm doing.

"How have you been then Shawn?" She asks picking up her cup. "Good yeah, how about you?"

"Yeah everything's well. You should both come over for dinner, Sam will be there too but Theo and Liv can't make it. What do you like Shawn? I'll have to attempt cooking" mum chuckles.

"Anything is fine" he nods. I take his hands putting it on my lap. She looks between us like she trying to figure us out.

"Are you happy Athena?" She asks. I felt a knot in my throat. I looked at Shawn then back at my mum. "I am" I nod.

Shawn squeezes my hand gently.

We then talked for like an hour, Shawn turned on the charm for my mother and she seemed happy. I sat there watching them talk and my dad wasn't mentioned once. This kind of broke my heart.

"Well I'll have to get going now, I'll see you both tomorrow" Mum gets up and hugs Shawn then I walk her to the door.

"He's different this time" she says in my ear as she hugs me. "I know".

We part and she leaves with a smug look.

I turn back to Shawn and he holds his arms out for me. I go over hugging him resting my head on his chest.

"Everything's okay, right?" He asks.

"Yep" I nod.

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