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Shawn Mendes

"Hey, you're going to be fine. He wants to see you" I tell Athena noticing how much her hands were shaking. I gently take her hand closest to mine

"We should go, this is a set up. He hates me, I know it-"

She was about to walk away but Theo opened the door.

"Athena" he breathes out. She instantly lets go off me and hugs Theo tightly. He closes his eyes and wraps his arms around her tightly.

My heart warms up knowing at least part of her family was by her side. She didn't deserve what they were throwing at her.

She takes a few seconds to pull back but when she does she smiles widely. "You guys have already met, where's liv? Where James and Lola and the new baby-" she cuts herself off walking in excitedly. Her mood changed instantly which made me so happy, she deserves happiness.

"Hey" Theo puts his hand out to me. "I hope it's okay I came" I shake his hand. "Of course, you're Athena's fiancé right? Or is that over now? Are you still- you know what I don't care. She on obviously brought you here because she feels comfortable with you" He says stepping out the way.

"I'll just let her explain" I say walking in behind him.

"Yeah, best leave it the women as I've learned from Liv" he says as we walk into the living room. I see Athena on the floor with a baby girl in her arms, little James by her side talking and Lola playing with her hair. My mind wondered to a place where she was holding our baby.

"Shawn, nice to see you again" liv grins going in to hug me. "You too, how're you after the baby?" I ask her pulling back from the hug.

"I'm okay, the baby is a dream" she smiles sitting down. "Sit down, Theo grab some drinks" she tells him and he walks away.

Athena looks up at me with a smile, a genuine smile. She gets up sitting beside me.

"Isn't she cute" she holds up the sleepy baby. "She is. What's her name?" I ask.

"Penelope" Athena says, she uses her index finger to stroke over her rosy cheeks. "You're good with her" Theo says walking in handing me a beer and placing a glass of orange juice beside Athena.

"I hope mine is this sweet" Athena says. "I'm sure she will be, it is a girl right?" Theo asks.

"We don't know yet" I say. I sit back and so does Athena, her legs right next to mine.

"Have you talked to mum, dad or Sam?" Theo asks her. "I called and they don't want to" she shrugs trying to act unaffected but I knew it was killing her. "They'll come around Athena" liv says gently.

"And this" Theo points between me and Athena. "What's going on?" He asks.

"I'm sure Sam told you but erm we're working it out, for the baby" she says gently.

Yep. Just for the baby.

"It's good that you're putting the baby first" liv says.

"Shawn can I talk to you?" Theo asks abruptly. "Theo" liv places a hand on his to stop him.

"Yeah of course" I nod getting up. Theo gets up too.

"Uncle Shawn can we see the videos of the guitar?" James runs up to me. "Later buddy, I promise" I tell him gently then I follow Theo to the kitchen.

He pulls out a chair and I sit opposite him.

"I'm not trying to sound threatening at all, there's something about you that I like" He starts. "I just want to tell you, I know no one has probably said this to you nicely but Athena has given you so many chances, she's put up with your shit for four years and I just want to tell you that you must be fucking lucky. She must really love you or she's really stupid to still be with you" he says and I nod following along.

"Right now that ring you gave her has no meaning to her whatsoever, this weird relationship thing is not a relationship at all. But it can be, you need to earn her trust Shawn. I know Athena, she's strong but for you she breaks so easily. You be good to her, so good that I never even have to worry about how she's doing because right now all I think  about is the mental health of my sister. This is so fucked up Shawn and you know it. You both love each other, you're having a baby and are engaged but your not a couple" he chuckles.

"To sum up; don't hurt her again or I will physically break you, earn her trust slowly, just think about what you're doing okay? I want you to be okay too. If she's ever acting up tell me and I'll talk with her. You've both been through enough. Isn't it time you just show her how much you can love her?" He finishes and I'm sat with every word her said pondering through my mind.

"I do love her and I love that baby, I do. And I'm going to get her back" I nod.

"Good. You take care of yourself okay and if she asks just say I was giving you parenting advice" he says with a smile getting up. I get up following him back to the living room.

Everything he said was so true.

I sat beside Athena and she still had Penelope in her arms who was now asleep.

"Everything okay?" She asks me.

"Perfect" I nod at and hopefully my smile was convincing enough for her.

"So have you guys bought anything for the baby?" Liv asks. Athena looks away, I wish I could just stay looking into her beautiful eyes.

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