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Shawn Mendes

Athena's head was on my chest and I had an arm around her holding her as she calmed her breathing. We hadn't said a word to each other, I couldn't tell if I was supposed to say anything either.

The only things that escaped our mouths were each other's names and heavenly moans.

"I'm gonna blow out the candles" I tell her. She hums an "okay" then moves out of my grip. I get of the bed grabbing my boxers pulling them up my legs. The storm had passed after two hours.

It felt so unreal. I don't know if she felt the same but there was something about having her skin on mine when the weather was awful that made it different.

I flicked on the lamp and begin blowing out the candles. I turned to face her to see she was putting her underwear back on then she picked her jumper.

"Wait are you leaving?" I ask. "It's just cold" she says plainly.

"You'll stay? I mean you shouldn't really go it's still bad out there" I tell her walking back over to the bed sitting down. "Okay" she nods getting back in bed. She sits behind me and begins kissing down my shoulder.

"What're we going to do?" She asks.

I turn around to her and she lays down. I get in behind her spooning her body. "What do you want?" I ask her. She takes my hand linking them together.

"I want... I want for us to be normal" she sighs. "I want you Shawn. I've missed you but I don't want the fights. I want to stay up with you and catch up on the years we've missed" she whispers.

"You want us together?" I ask.

"Not yet" she shakes her head. "I-I don't understand"

"I want us to be civil first. I still feel a little awkward around you" she chuckles nervously. "And I don't want that" she finishes.

"You feel awkward around me?" I ask. "A little yes. I want to feel comfortable around you again before anything"

"So you don't feel comfortable around me after we've just had sex like four times?" I scoff moving my arms. "Shawn-"

"I don't get it. Isn't that the closest you can be with someone?" I chuckle sarcastically moving away from her. She watches me move away and she gets up herself grabbing her jeans sliding them on.

"Sex isn't the only to be close with someone" she shakes her head. "But we just spent that time together bare, skin to skin being vulnerable and you still feel awkward after that?" I raise my voice a little.

Maybe I was being selfish. But she sounded like she was making a shit excuse to not be with me.

"You had sex with another girl when you were with me. Are you close with her? Did you feel okay with her after that?" She spits putting her shoes back on.

"Why would you mention that again?" I scoff. "Because you're saying things that don't make sense or aren't relevant and I'm helping you see that. Yes we had sex but that doesn't mean I can just fall back in love with you" she shouts walking out the room. I follow hot on her trail.

"Athena" I pull her back. "Did that mean nothing to you?" I ask her holding her wrist.

She looks between my lips then eyes. "I don't know" she mumbles shoving my hand off of her.

It meant something to me. I still loved her.

"Don't just walk away Athena. Not again!" I shout stepping in front of her so she can't open the door. "You're making me. The first time was your fault and it's you again! You're expecting me to love you when I can't trust you yet" she says her eyes becoming watery.

"You don't trust me huh? Just get out! Don't come back to me! This meant just as little as it did to me than you!" I shout at her making her jump. "

"Move then" she says calmly. I move out the way opening the door. "And give me the necklace back" I say harshly. She stops in front of me then takes it off putting it in my hand. "Shawn-"

"Leave!" I cut her off.

She looks down sniffling as she walks out then I slam the door.

Try Again: Shawn Mendes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now