Heechul's wife

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Dear diary,

Even though it happened over two years ago, I still remember it clearly. My name is Kim Diana. I'm happily married to Kim Heechul. I am from England and I moved to Korea when I was seven years old. I happened to be his next door neighbour. When we grew up we started to date, we've been sweethearts since high school. He became an amazingly successful singer, and I became a worldwide known actress.However the only thing is, no one knows we're married accept our managers and friends. Somehow we've managed to keep it secret, though this time it's something serious. I'm pregnant. I'm uncertain on how we'll hide it, I'll probably take a year off. He'll be ecstatic, we've been married for two years so I know it! Anyway, I have to go start making some food, he seems to love coming home to a table full of food that we can store for later.
I'll write again soon, I'll make sure to record his reaction as well!

Diana stood up and walked towards her kitchen, smiling when she read the note Heechul had wrote that morning.

Hello my beautiful sunshine, I hope you feel well this morning. My beautiful princess, I'm sorry I had to go to a show today. I'll make sure to make it up when I get home. Make sure to smile, it really suits you! If you get bored,invite some friends round. I heard there's an amazing acting opportunity coming soon, let's hope you get the main role! Every time I get bored I'll make sure to think of you and your beautiful voice. You should sing more often, you have a talent. Anyway baby, I'll see you soon.

Love your handsome husband, Heechul

She giggled as a blush went onto her face, " You're my only husband pabo, I know your name." She murmured out loud. Just as he had wished, she started to sing and dance to Hyunas bubble pop. Little did she realise she was being filmed for a prank by Heechul. Diana continued to dance and sing as she made a lot of food.

Heechul on the other hand was watching her through a secret camera. Don't be alarmed he had her permission to pull pranks on her that involved cameras. Leaning over his hyungs shoulder, Shindong smiled when he saw who he was watching." At times it's like you're a stalker. What prank are you planning to do this time?" A smirk went onto Heechuls face." A house invasion,Yesung agreed to do it for some money. He should be there very soon." A small laugh left his mouth. Leeteuk happened to over hear them and sighed." Stress and pranks aren't good Heechul! What if she was pregnant?" He spoke, shaking his head. Without a doubt Heechul spoke." Diana is not pregnant, she would've told me."
All the members shared a glance and smirked," so that means you have done the dirty?" Eunhyuk spoke quietly as he watched Heechul shrug, turning so they wouldn't see his flustered face." Grow up. Everyone does that at times." He spoke harshly before watching the camera through his laptop once again. " any minute now."

Little did Heechul know that Yesung didn't have the heart to do it, so he warned Diana in advance. Not only that but they planned to prank Heechul. Diana decided that she'd 'hit' him with a pan a few times before fainting abruptly. Because of her illness, she was prone to fainting and having seizures, so she wanted to knock some sense into Heechul that some pranks aren't funny.

Her eyes looked at the figure out of the window and she started to act. Shock filled her body as she started to tremble, her hand grabbing for the closest thing. A pan. With a very curt and not visible nod, their plan started. Yesung unpicked the door and opened it, a fake knife in his hand. Small wails left the lady's mouth as she cowardly backed away. "I have nothing! Leave me alone! Please!" Heavy pants started to leave her mouth as she somehow found the strength to 'attack' Yesung. Thankfully they had practiced it so no mistakes were made. Before she knew it, it was the grand finale. "H-help." A weak cry left her mouth as her hand gripped the side, her feet continuously moving for balance. Ever so often her body tilted before it was greeted with the ground. Yesung took off his mask, glasses and good, continuing the act." Diana? DIANA!" He grabbed her wrist and his his face from the camera so his smile wouldn't be shown. "THERES NO PULSE!"

Heechul felt his heart shatter as he watched her body helplessly fall, tears filling his eyes when he heard those words. Gathering his shoes he bolted out of the door and started to run to their house. Luckily Yesung called the members and told them that it was a double prank, just making sure they wouldn't panic either.

Diana stood up perfectly fine," that was great acting Yesung. Keep it up!" She smiled and sat at the table." Now here's the funny bit, go get changed and start eating. We'll say nothing happened and I'll get rid of the camera as you change." She giggled and grabbed a chair, finally finding the camera on a cupboard. She turned it off and sat down at the table, making sure it was set perfectly. Not only that, she had also done all dishes. "He's taking a while." She commented to Yesung. Seconds later his body came plummeting inside, tears rolling down his cheeks. "WHERE IS... What?" He spoke quietly. " y-you're okay?" He whispered as he hugged her from behind." I'm so so sorry I'll never prank you again!" Diana smirked before turning around." What do you mean prank? Nothing happened." His mouth was open in awe as the room was completely different." Y-you pranked me back didn't you? You cheeky sweetheart!" He exclaimed, squeezing her cheeks since she hated that." Yesung you imbecile. I paid good money but you tagged me out! Apologise. Joking." He smiled. Only Diana knew what the evening held. Her announcement.

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