Pregnancy Party

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The weekend had arrived quicker than expected, as if someone had turned the clocks into the future within split seconds. Snuggling into her lovers chest, a hand pushed some hair out of her face. At first it startled her as it was indeed quite cold, but it soon warmed up. A giggle left her mouth as she felt two muscular legs wrap around her hips. "can we just stay and cuddle?"
That one voice always drove her wild as she just found it so luring. "mhm, but only for a few more minutes. We have to set up everything for our party." She let out a long laborious sigh, her eyes fluttering open. "it was hard to make sure everyone could come." Heechul spoke up, now turning so he was pinning her onto the bed. "baby girl, im so happy that i get ro share this with you." A clear blush was evident on Dianas face, her hands shoving at his chest in a cute motion. "oppa! Let's just hope everything goes alright!" every second of the day a voice was in her mind, telling her everything that could go wrong. Yes, that was most certainly not pleasant. Several of minute passed, until they staggered out of bed. Squealing emerged out from her mouth as Heechul picked her up in a bridal way. Immediately she hid her head in his chest. "you're so clingy!" the laughs of the adorable couple could be heard. The pair started off by brushing their teeth, until the both realised they needed to shower. "share?" Heechul asked as she nodded. They often shared showers but it still never failed to make her so so bashful.

Slowly the young adult started to take off her shirt, well it was Heechuls and she tended to wear it as her pajamas. Next her shorts slid off accompanied by her underwear. Heechul was doing the same as he set up the shower and turned it on. Helping Diana in so she didn't slip (she was extremely clumsy) smiling as he grabbed the bottles they'd use. His arms that weren't too muscular, yet weren't entirely like a noodle, wrapped around her quite large hips that suited her well. "you excited?" she nodded, her hands now on top of his own. "very." Women in Korea tended to want a slim figure, however Diane was quite the opposite. She was indeed gorgeous and curvy, well defined with an hourglass shape. Both of the pair swayed slightly, singing as loud as they wanted, ending in peals of laughter. Eventually Heechul started to lather Dianas hair with some very fruity shampoo, as well as washing her body. Diana did the same in return, having to go on her tip toes to just reach his hair, as she gently massaged on the mint shampoo.

What seemed like an eternity later they were dressed and ready to eat before setting up everything they needed for this party, as they wanted it to be big and memorable. Not only tjat but they wanted it to seem like your typical get together with tones of food and balloons and music, possibly even fireworks. However the married couple did bicker previously whether to have bouncy castles and water slides or not. Diana really badly wanted them, but heechul was denying it. Eventually he caved in as no one could win in an argument against her. Not even Hyuna. At around 3 o'clock the equipment would be arriving in their humongous garden, with the assistance to set ir up. This was hopefully going to be very very fun!

Setting up the table for the freshly pancakes, something in Diana felt off. Her hand clamped over her mouth as she felr off balanced and sick. For a fact she couldn't make it to the toilet, so she grabbed a bowl and was just full on sick in it. Heechul eyes widened. "hey you're okay." he sat her down grabbing a bigger bowl, holding her hair back. "thats it, get it all out. I really wish i could hurt morning sickness as this pains me too watch." he mumbled, now clearing out the sixk from the bowls. It didn't gross him out, as he had to be strong for them, especially when he wasn't ecen carrying the baby and experiencing such miserable things. Returning to her side, he cupped her cheeks."you're so strong, have i told you that?" Despite just being sick, she laighed softly. Her arms clasped around his neck as she snuggled up to him. "please stay." Diana was indeed clingy after being sick, and that was understandable.
A burning scent drifted throughout the building...the pancakes were burning. "god sake we haven't even been awake for two hours, what else is going to go wrong?!" tears were prickling at her eyes.
Diana rarely cried, so Heechul quickly took the pancakes off heat, before sitting down and moving her onto his lap. Staring into her eyes, his thumb wiped away a few of her tears." everything will go perfectly fine, i promise. Just stay calm."

Clinging desperately onto the man she loved more than anything, her heart was racing. "y-yeah you're right it'll be perfectly fine." Heechul was prepared to move but then noticed just how much Diana needed this hug, so he stayed tightly holding onto her. The fruity essence made him smile, as Diana's scent was comforting. Diana was his life, and he'd have it no other way. Nuzzling against his neck, her legs now fully wrapped around him. "c-can we wear a matching outfits later?" just that question made him chuckle "of course, anything that'd make you estatic princess." Finally the couple ate, and then started ro prepare all decorations for the party. On many occasions Diana had to be on Heechul shoulders in order to put something were she wished. "this is fun!" she exclaimed as she was so high up. Though she couldn't contain herself as a shout of fear left as Heechul acted as if he was going to fall. "please stop!" she begged laughing brightly. It was moments like these they both treasured the most, especially when either or were away from home.

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