The Great Reveal

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Quick authors note. As I'm fussy and strange imma change their ages slightly. I don't want them to be in their 30s and then rush and havw quite a few children. So instead Heechul will be 28 and Diana will be 25. Sorry if its confusing or you don't like that i changed the ages!

As she had quite a few questions they decided to only answer one more. "now. Guess. What makes me bashful, or what makes me blush?" A small smile creeped onto Heechul face. "When someone's a good smoker! No when someone shows off. Like when jackson did exercise for fun with you on his back!" Sighing Diana shook her head and hit the table. "wrong." even after a few minute and multiple of hints they still weren't getting it. "It happened today." Everyone stared at Heechul as he shouted. "I KNOW! Because your a clutz, when you fall and someone helps you up, being protective of you. So you get bashful of someone looks out for you and help you up by your wrist." they all looked at her, anticipating whether that'd be the answer or not.

Widening her eyes in shock," did you read exactly what i put down?" Heechul shrugged not saying a definite no nor yes. With that the filming ended, Diana thanking everyone in the room. Apart from Heechul. "baby. I'm tired, carry me too the car?" her voice became softer and more childlike. It was a random trait of hers that Heechul found adorable. He nodded and helped her into his back. Laying her head on his shoulder, quietly humming a random tune, she felt her eyes becoming heavier." Diana. Why were you emotional earlier, about to cry even?"

Words didn't form a proper sentence as of the overwhelming tiredness she felt. "home. Out. Find. Why. At." and with that she had started to sleep. Thankfully her beloved husband was used to this process and succeeded in placing her down without her stirring. Getting into the drivers seat, he strapped both of them in. A smile stayed graced on his lips, ahand gently placed on Dianas thigh. "i can't wait to have a family with you. Having some children with you. Growing old with you. Let's try for a child." he whispered, knowing she wouldn't hear him as she was out cold. Finally when the arrived at home, Heechul managed to take her into the house without any difficulties.

Laying her on their bed, playing with her long locks." so beautiful. "his soft pink lips met her bare forehead as he exited the room. The smell of kimchi and meat filled the house. Ever so slowly the young woman had started to regain consciousness, her mouth watering at such delightful smells. Running down the stairs as she wanted to see what food there was. "woah!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands in a childish way. Greedily she filled her plate as they discussed anything that came to mind.

"Heechul." whenever she addressed him with his name in a serious tone, she meant it. "would y-you uh this is embarrassing e-ever want a family w-with me?" she fiddled with her fingers, anticipating the worst responder. When she looked up, she noticed how his face had been splattered with a blush. "Diana,baby. I would love to have a family with you. We should try soon." biting down on her lip she nodded, telling herself she'll announce it later thaf night.

They sat in a comfortable silence, now just hugging each other in delight. The silence being ever so blissful. Seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into an hour of them just cuddling on the couch, watching any show that came on. "mhh. Oppa. Can we have a party with all our friends this weekend? I have to tell you something. I'll tell you later though. After i tell you you'll understand why i want all our friends round." he nodded, his hands snaking around her waist. His legs now protectively wrapped around her as well. Another half hour passed and then Heechul had an idea." i have a heart monitor. Let's see how fast you can make my heart beat from acting cute."

After sorting out the monitor they found his average heartbeat was around 99 at the moment. Walking into the room, staring at him caused it to rise too 130. She stepped up close to him, placing her hands on his cheeks." oppa you're so handsome." his eyes widened as the screen showed 170. "let's stop this before my heart explodes." she giggled and agreed. Helping to pack up the strange machine Heechul happened too have. "How's your leg and hip?" she asked in concern as he often practiced and ignored the sharp pain. He shrugged. "better than usual." he ruffled her hair. "don't worry about me love."

The time had finally came. Preparing herself as she held the test in her hands, staring at some of their wedding pictures. "Honey? Can you come to the bedroom and close your eyes?" she shouted down the stairs. "sure! I'll be there in a sec." he shouted back. Her hands were shaking, a mixture of excitement, and from being ever so nervous. "it's fine Diana." she reassured herself. Slipping the test up her sleeve when she heard him now enter the room.

Sitting on the bed, closing his eyes as told, wondering what it could be. "hold your hands out." she quietly instructed. He did as told, feeling something very light being placed in their. Diana was recoding this moment on a camera that was on their drawers. "open your eyes." once again he did as told. Seeing what it was, he started to shake as tears filled his eyes. "you're going to be a mum? I'm going to b-be a D-dad?" he stuttered in shock. Without any hesitation he brought her in for the most happiest and excited kiss. Both lovers wiping each others tears. "i love you." she spoke. "i love you to baby." the biggest smile covered his face as he continued to hug her. Placing his hands on her stomach. "we're going to raise a child. Thank you for blessing me so Diana." she hid her face in his shoulder as her tears started to pool down her face once again.

The rest of the night the married couple stayed in each others embrace. Unable to wait for the future. Their love was unbreakable and their child would be raised in the best house they could ask for. Heechul honestly wanted a baby girl, but Diana wanted a boy. It was funny how they both wanted the opposite. Now all that came next was telling family. Friends. Then the fans

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