Knowing Brothers The Skit

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Upbeat music started to play as Diana entered the room. She danced along, wearing cute glasses, fake freckles, rainbow trousers that were loose at the legs and tight around the waist. Along with a long sleeved black t-shirt. "dad?" she asked looking around the room, her acting face on. "dad?" concern ate at her voice.

In the other room was Ho-dong laying in bed. She ran into a room but regretted doing so as she saw Heechul and Kang-hoon. "w-what are you doing at my house?" they both smirked and bowed. "princess allow us to win your heart." thats when one of her closet friends came into the scene. She acted in her drama with him. The fake windows glass shattered, he rolled into the room and grabbed her waist. "Shes mine!" he exclaimed.

This man happened to be Park Hyung-sik. She acted shy as she tried to pull herself out of his grasp. That's when she noticed they were all dressed historically. "i think you've mistaken me for someone. I'm not a princess. Im just a person who's a (hero for fun 😂) teacher. That's all." she exclaimed. That's when her 'dad' started to wake up. "DIANA! WHO'S THAT? WHY ARE THERE BOYS HERE?!" immediately he charged at Heechul and started to kick him. "stay away from my daughter!"  Diana stood there in shock before shouting at her 'dad' . "hey stop! I don't think they're from this area." Ho-dong stared at them and went quiet.

Whilst biting her lip she tried to think of what could make the skit better. It was being improvised after all. "okay in order to see who is worthy of me all of you do your best dance move." she watched them all in turn and nodded. "now sing."she stopped herself from laughing when heechul put a fake mic to his forehead." all of a sudden Diana felt off balanced and grabbed at Heechul as he was the closest. "sorry." she mumbled before she had fainted in his embrace. Thanfully everyone went along with it as though it was planned. Diana and Heechul off to the side. Once she finally woke up she heard Kang-Hoon exclaim. "oh such a fair maiden. My princess had gotten poisoned! We shall fight and whoever wins shall wake her up with a kiss."

Once heechul endured Diana was okay he went back onto set as they all fought. The winner was Heechul as they had planned. He walked over to Diana ajd just before his lips touched hers the filming stopped.

Sorry for a small chapter and not uploading in a while! I really was ill but I'll try upload more!

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