Gender Reveal

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Indeed Kim Diana had already reached the stage of being 18 weeks pregnant, approaching her mid trimester. That meant she'd have the option to learn the sexes of her twins and she was beyond ecstatic. For the past couple of nights Heechul had been woken up by his wife trying to give possible ideas on how to reveal the sexes and whether they should get a friend to set up a reveal of some kind. Their options so far concluded of dying their hair, having a massive bubble popped over each of their heads to show the separate babies gender and doing girl group dances to have confetti chucked over them after 3 correct songs for one baby and then 3 more songs for another. Currently Diana was leaning more towards the hair dye as they could both get a colour of either pink or blue, and Heechul didn't mind what they did, as long as his children were well and healthy. The time was roughly 2 am and Diana was still awake watching a show, well she was actually staring at the screen but not paying attention. Instead what was playing through her head was names and faces of friends close to her that she could possibly allow them to take the results and sort everything else out for them. Leeteuk, yesung, Seokjin, Irene, Jackson, Hyuna, aishhh there was too many options it was starting to stress her out. Getting up her hands found their way to gently rub around the shape of her bump, "Hello you two, mummy loves you so much." A soft smile was apparent as she started to walk towards the kitchen, having a sudden craving for fruit and cream. "I think you guys should be able to hear me currently, can you?" With a slight laugh she started to sing a lullaby for her twins whilst dancing around the kitchen grabbing all kinds of fruits. Over the past weekend Diana had went clothes shopping with quite a lot of her friends as she had quickly outgrown her clothes. Fortunately due to her small structure she was able to buy so many adorable dresses and skirts with tops and trinkets. Of course it was expected Diana had gained some weight throughout her pregnancy and yet she still looked quite slender and absolutely stunning. However last time she went doctors they were concerned her small frame will cause some difficulty in her birth and asked her to start considering whether she'd want an all natural birth or by cesarean. Diana was adamant to have an all natural birth and she really was stubborn. After all her mum had so many children and yet never once had medicine, nor cesarean , allowing Diana the head strong capabilities like her mum. 

Now having a bowl full of fruit with some whipped cream on top Diana sat down and started to once again ponder about who to invite to the doctors to take the results for her. Heechul wanted her to make the decision as he knew he was most likely close to whoever she'd pick. Reaching for her phone Diana went onto a website and placed the names on a spinner pressing go and waiting to see who it landed on. Low and behold it landed split in the middle of Irene and Seokjin, making Diana laugh even more." Wah i guess nothing can make a decision today." Resorting to a last test she grabbed a 2 pence her sister left behind a while ago and murmured to herself,"Heads Seokjin, tails Irene." Flipping it up into the air she placed it on the back of her hand and then flipped it over revealing the answer. Irene. "Ah thank you for making my decisions coin." Searching up Irene's contact she went to send her a message whilst biting into an apple before seeing the time. "2:48 already?!" Running a hand through hair Diana sent a quick text 'sorry this is a late text, i hope i'm not disturbing your sleep. i was wondering if you could do a massive favour for me. I would appreciate it if you come to my next meeting with a doctor in two days to learn the sexes of the babies. Could you take the results and plan out a reveal for me and Heechul? I'll text you about the reveal details later, thank you! Text me later x'

Finishing her bowl of fruit she put it in the dishwasher, making sure to turn off all lights and the TV as she started to head upstairs to her shared bedroom with Heechul, quietly opening the door as she looked around. It was quite light due to the lamp being left on for Diana when she decided to eventually came up into the bedroom. It was a kind gesture on Heechuls behalf, which made Diana's heart warm up knowing he had her in his mind, as she started to take off her clothes. Leaving herself in a pair of Heechuls loose shorts, with a loose bra on. Something that had became quite difficult was falling asleep with the bump so Diana had found a pillow that allowed you to lay stomach down into a small dip to make you comfy for whenever she needed to relax. Slowly she brought herself onto the mattress, her back against Heechuls chest, making him wrap his arm around her. Hand pressed up against her stomach as he subconsciously rubbed it with a small grin before pressing a kiss on her shoulder and keeping them close for a hug. It took a good amount of minutes until Diana finally fell asleep having only an amazing dream that'd become her reality quite soon. It involved her family visiting from England and then meeting their new members. Her children. Diana had always waited the day where she could call someone her child, and she had been blessed for two. Hours passed and it dawned the hour of 11 when Diana had started to wake up with a post-it note stuck to her forehead. allowing her eyes to become less blurry she started to read the note rolling her eyes playfully before placing it down and heading towards the toilet as she was bursting for a wee. after reliving herself she started to do her usual morning routine, going to her room to start looking out an outfit being a nice long stretchy black dress with a long white cardigan on. Despite it being April it still had a cold breeze and she really didn't want to become ill. All of a sudden a loud buzzing occurred on her bedside table, being her phone with the caller ID Irene. Answering within seconds she could already hear the excitement about to come, "Diana you know I'd be honoured to do this for you. I already checked with my managers, I'll have some spare time to come to your appointment. Just give me all the details for what i'll need to do and i'll arrange it. Ah I'm so excited." Just hearing that reassured Diana that this would run smoothly as she started to explain what they were doing, when and things along the lines of that. Once again Diana didn't really have any work today, so she was just relaxing at home trying to stay productive with her mind however by reading all kinds of books. Then she did her daily exercise wanting to stay in good health for this pregnancy no matter what. The rest of her day she was working online with JYP related to helping some of his groups with vocal training online. Heechul came home at 3 and then the couple literally just watched TV and talked for the rest the night, obviously having a meal or two. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2020 ⏰

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