Your song about your depression

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When you were younger you had depression. You never told the boys because you didn't want them to know about all the pain you were feeling then. Also you just wanted to forget about it for the longest time. Then one day, Hitman Nim told you, you need to write a song for an album that was like "Wings". You decided that a song about your depression would work, even if that meant remembering the bad days, months, years.
You kept thinking about the days when you had depression and your eyes started to water up. You wipe your tears away when you hear a knock on your door.

Y/n-"come in"

Joon-"Hey BBG"

Y/n-"hey joonie" you say quietly .

Joon-"You ok, you seem quite"

Y/n-"yeah I am fine, just having trouble writing a song"

Joon-" Well don't stress yourself to much, we don't want you to-

Y/n-"I won't, I promise"

Joon-"ok, food will be done in ten"


Joon walked out the room, closing the door behind him. You continue to try and work on the song. You end up crying a little now and then.

Almost four hours later the boys start to get worried. You haven't come out to grab food or use the bathroom. There was almost no noise coming of your room and you didn't seem tired when Joon came in your room. Jungkook decides to go and check on you, because him and the rest of the mankae line were worried the most. He knocked on your door first, but then he heard crying.

Jungkook- "Y/n.. you ok?" He ask very quietly but calming.

You didn't answer. He became even more worried.

Jungkook-"y/n answer me please"

You walk help to the door and go to open it. Before you open it you wiped away any tears that were on your face or in your eyes.
You open the door to see a worried Jungkook. He sees your eyes are red and walks in and closes the door behind him.

Jungkook-"Were you crying, princess."

You nod your head in agreement and he just pulls you into a hug. You just start crying again, there is no stopping.

Jungkook-"it's ok, I am right here"

After about two minutes of crying, you start to calm down a little. Kook pushes you back a little to see your face. He wipes some tears off your face.

Jungkook-"Can you tell me why you were crying?"

You nod your head and tell about your depression and how you were writing a song for the new album, but then all the memories came back when you were done writing the song. He comforts you telling you that he will never let any of that happen to you ever again.
You two sit on your bed and cuddle up together. After a while Jungkook looks at the lyrics that you wrote. He looks at you to see you completely asleep. He thinks of what you told him. He puts the lyrics down and falls asleep with you.

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