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HEY GUYS! So it's been awhile. I just really had no ideas so yeah. Anyway let's start.

Yoongi's POV

YG-"are you guys sure we should do this?" I said has the rest of the boys were getting the rest of prank set up, "don't you guys think this prank might scare her too much?"

JM- "it's fine Yoongi, we done tons of pranks on her, this one isn't that bad."

YG-"I still don't know, don't you think that all of us pretending to be dead is really a good idea. I mean we saw how bad the walking dead scared her."

NJ- "don't think of it as a prank hyung. Think of it as an experiment, see how she would react if we all were hurt and dying or already dead."

The rest of the boys beside me- "yeah"

YG- "fine, but if she gets too scared, end the prank. I don't want her to have nightmares because of this."

I still wasn't completely sure that doing this prank was a good idea, especially with all the crap that has been going on in Y/n's life. I honestly didn't even want to do this prank in the first place but the boys insisted. 

15 minuets later

We heard the front door being open so we all quickly got into place.


Y/n's POV

Y/n-"GUYS I'M HOME!!" I say has I take my shoes off. I started walking towards the living room, and that's when I see it. Blood. I walk closer to see the boys all dead. "No, No, this can't be happening," I start crying, "guys come on ,get up. Please."

I walk into the kitchen and breakdown. I couldn't stand to look at the scene for much longer. It's not until I hear a voice that is way to well known in my mind that I actually start freaking out.

??-"*werid "zombie" noises* y/n.... lets us eat your brains"

I started screaming and crying at the new but horrifying scene.

YG-" Guys, we took it to far!" Yoongi says once he sees me crying. "Babygirl, come here.." he said as he got closer to me.

Y/n- "Just stay back please" I say while scooting back.

YG- "baby.." he said seeing how scared and upset I was, "I'm really sorry but please can we at least talk about it"

I just look at him. I quickly grab my stuff and run up to my room and hide in there.


Yoongi's POV
The second she runs into her room I try and follow her, but Jin stops me.

Jin-"Just give her some space."

YG-"I told you guys that we shouldn't have done that dumb prank... I told and yet we did it.." I say annoyed. I then walk away to my room.

2 Hours Later

After awhile I hear a knock on my door and at first I wasn't going to get it until I heard,


I quickly get up and open the door to see Y/n in her pajamas standing there. I let her in and close the door behind her. I look at her and she quickly wraps her arms around me. I wrap my arms around her and she gets even closer to me.

Y/n-"im sorry" she says with a raspy quiet voice.

YG-"why are you sorry? we are the ones who prank you."

Y/n-"I'm sorry I acted the way I did to you."

YG-"baby it wasn't your fault," I said to her in a calming voice, "I knew the prank would be to much for you but the boys beg and they are annoyingly prescient"

Y/N-"I can understand that" she said while giggling a little.

YG-"I'm also sorry. I should have told them not to do the prank and I shouldn't have join in on the prank either. I hope you can forgive me."

Y/N-"I will always forgive you Yoongs, you are my non-biological brother after all."

YG-"and you are my non-biological sister, and I love you."

Y/n-"Love you too you dork," she says while giggling, "now can we get to sleep. That was the other reason I came in here after all."

YG-"lol, ok." I say then I pick her up which makes her scream a little.


YG-"ok," then I throw her onto my bed and then I laid on the bed and wrap my arms around her.

Y/N-"you know that's not what I meant when I said put me down" she said to me.

YG-"I know, but it was the funnier opinion ," I said while pulling her closer to me "plus it was the opinion that let me get to cuddle you faster." I then kiss her fore head.

She giggled then snuggled her head into my shoulder then slowly start dazing off. I smile at her and kiss her on the forehead. I pulled up the blankets.

YG-"Goodnight my princess" I said then turned off my lamp and went to sleep.


HEY GUYS!! Its been awhile. Well if you guys have any ideas for a chapter HMU and yeah.

I purple you!!!

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