The world has been over run by demons and humans are to obey or be killed. Darkiplier rules the Earth and anything he says is done with no questions asked with Antisepticeye and PewDiePie.exe by his side.
(Y/N) is in the rebellion by her fathers si...
You got changed into the outfit Dark wanted. There was not white on it now, just black and red, which your not really complaining about.
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(A/N~I know it's not a maid uniform but it looked nice so yea fight me)
You cleaned up the little mess that was in Darks room, mainly suit jackets and button ups sprawled out on the chair and his bed. As you waited for 7:00 to roll around you decided to do a little snooping around in Darks room. You didn't find anything that could help you. In his nightstand you found a pair of circular glasses which surprised you and a couple books he must be reading. All his work related stuff would obviously be in his office but it wouldn't of hurt to look just in case.
After around an hour a knock was heard from the door. You rushed over and opened it to be greeted with one off the guards.
"Miss (L/N), I was sent here by the king after retrieving your items from your old home."you had only then noticed the pile of boxes beside him and two other guards as well, "would you like us to put them in your quarters Miss (L/N)" he asked you with slight annoyance showing in his words.
"Ah y-yes please" you stutter as you move out of the way for the three men.
As they moved the boxes into your new 'room' you heard them muttering to themselves, so of course you decide to listen in.
"Why the fuck did we have to touch that humans shit! Is this some sort of punishment" you hear one of the men whisper.
"I don't fucking know but if the bitch tries to talk to me I'll penetrate every fucking spear in the castle right through and let her burn all the way to the depths of hell" one of the other guards mutter. That's why the spears had a slight glow to them!
As they finished putting all the boxes in you just kinda stood there awkwardly, lost in your thoughts until you could feel the hard wall against your back.
"Don't fucking ignore me you ungrateful human!" He growls into your ear.
As your about to flip him and break his fucking arm you hear someone clap their hands together catching the attention of you and the three demons in the room.
"Alright boys, you did what Dark wanted now please leave" you hear a feminine voice call from the doorway which was just out of view from where you were pinned.
"Come on let's go" one of the creatures behind the one in front of you insists while tugging on his arm.
He reluctantly follows while you glare daggers into his back. Then two ladies in the same dress as you, one black and green the other black and blue, come through the door. The lady in the green dress has long black hair going down her back and her bright green eyes are a very.... unnatural green? The lady in the blue dress has curly blonde hair sitting just below her upper back and very vibrant blue eyes.... unnatural blue? There eye colours confuse you extremely.