The New Job

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Hey guys!
This is my new story and it's english. I hope you understand english... Well, hope you like the story and don't forget to breathe please!



Dark past...





"Y/n?! Can you open the door please?! I am busy!!!" My mother yells from upstairs. She was probably in the attic again. The doorbell rang loud enough to hear. I stood up from my bed en opened the door of my room. I ran downstairs. The doorbell rang again.

I opened the door and saw a man wearing all blue. "Hello, Ma'am. I have a package for Ms. Kim." I looked at the package in the hands of the man. It was just a brown, big envelope. I nodded. "You can give it to me, i am her daughter." The guy smiled and took out a paper and a pen. "Can you please sign this before i give you the package?"

I nodded again and took the pen. I signed the paper and the man gave me the envelope. I thanked him and closed the door. Once the door was closed, i checked the envelope. I looked at the address.

  Yongin Mental Hospital
  Seoul South-Korea
  4 Sangha Dong Giheung Go

A mental hospital? For what? I was reading the address over and over again. I was so confused. "Mom?! Can you come downstairs, please?!" I yelled loudly. After some minutes of waiting, she came and sat down on the couch with a questioning face.

"What's wrong and what's that in your hand?" I looked at the envelope and then back to her. "I should ask you that. They sended it to you." She still had a questioning face. I took a deep breath and readed the address outloud. Her eyes became bigger by each word. "Oh! Give it to me, fast!!!" Before i could say something else, she grabbed the envelope and opened it.

Curiosity took over me. She took a few papers out of it and readed it. After some minutes, she started jumping around. "Yes!!! Finally!!!" She gave me a hug and had a big smile on her face. "Mom? What's going on?" She took a few deep breaths and tried to calm herself down. "You know what job i do, right?" I nodded.

"You're a psychologist." She nodded too. "I was searching for a job for like... 3 months and finally they accepted me!! I really wanted to work in this hospital for so long and my dream became true!!"

A smile was plastered on my face. I stood up and hugged her. "I am really happy for you and i hope the best for you!" She hugged me back. "Thank you, sweetie!" "When do you start working in that hospital?" "Well, they say that i can start tomorrow." I nodded and made my way to the kitchen.

"Why don't we celebrate this good news?" I asked while opening the fridge and scanning all the food. "That's a really good idea, sweetie! I'll cook your favorite dinner!" She smiled and pushed me out of the kitchen. "You can rest. I'll make the food." I tried to protest. "But mo-" "No buts!" She laughed and turned away. I shook my head and sat down on the couch.


"Thank you for the dinner, mom." I said while wiping my mouth with a handkerchief. "No problem, sweetie." She was still eating. I excused myself and made my way to my bedroom. I jumped in my bed and took my phone out. 16 notifications. I chuckled and started to read the messages my friends sended me.


▪Y/n!? There is a new transfer student and it's a guy!!! They say that he's hot!'

▪He's probably taken. Don't worry, Sana.

▪Yah! Shut up, Seulgi!

▪Guys? Are you sure he's hot? He could be a nerd ya know.

▪No thanks, Solar. I don't want to date a nerd.

▪You're a nerd too, dumbass.

▪I don't wear glasses!

▪A nerd doesn't always wear glasses.

▪Just shut up, both of you!!

▪We should have a sleepover. Always talking on phone is not good.

▪Yeah, we should but where the fuck is Y/n?

▪That little shit never looks at her phone!!!

▪Maybe she's sleeping?

▪I don't think so. Who sleeps at this hour?

▪Y/n. Duhhh.

▪Shut up, smarty pants!

I laughed at my friends. Silly girls. After reading the messages, i texted back. I lied back on my bed and started thinking. It's school tomorrow. Fuck my life. I groaned and played with my plushie bear. After some hours of texting, i fell asleep with my phone in my hand.

Everything doesn't make sense...

The devil and the angel...

Hell and heaven...

Love and hate...

Friends and enemies...

No sense...

Hi guys!
This was the first page of my story.
Hope I took your interest.


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