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Hey guys! I'm back with part 22!
Hope you like it and don't forget to breathe! Bye! Love y'all! 💋


I wish time could just stop when i'm in your arms, because it's the best feeling ever.


"What the hell are we doing here? I said i was lost, not that i wanted to come to an abandoned haunted building or something." I asked Taehyung while walking. He brought me towards the big, old and rusty door and stopped walking.

"Don't worry, i just need to get something. You want to come?" He asked while pointing at the door.

"Sure." I said with a bored look. He smirked at my anwser, but i couldn't see it. He opened the door lead me through the hallways.

There were papers and old things on the floor. "Is this some sort of old school or something?" Taehyung glanced at me before anwsering.

"Well yeah. Something like that, i guess." We walked and walked and walked. The whole fucking time.

After an whole eternity, we arrived at a door. I was waiting for Taehyung to open the door, but he just stood still.

"Psst... Are you going to open the damn door?" I asked annoyed. He came back to reality and nodded. He slowly opened the door and shoved a little bit away. "Lady's first." He said while smirking.

I rolled my eyes and walked inside.
It was just a sort classroom, but they re-designed it. It looks like a livingroom. While looking around, i didn't notice that Taehyung picked a iron pipe. He slowly tilted it up and focused it on my head.

Just as he was about to hit me, i elbowed him in his stomach. The pipe fell on the ground and Taehyung groaned while holding his stomach.
I picked the pipe up.

"Now tell me, Taehyung. What should i do with you? Do you really think i'm dumb or something? That i didn't notice that you were trying to fool me?" He looked up and i swinged the pipe to his face. He fell on the ground and held his cheek. Jup. That's definitly bruised.

He shove his hand away and looked at it. He gasped a little when he saw some blood.

"Oops. I guess i cutted your cheek a bit. Sorry." He looked at me again.

With fear in his eyes.

I tilted the pipe to knock him completely out, but stopped in my tracks when i heard another voice.


That voice... sounds really familair.
I putted my hand down and turned slowly around. My eyes went wider and i froze in my place.

There he was.

The boy that i fell in love with.

4 years ago.

I found him.


He stared at me in shock. We both couldn't move a muscle. Taehyung stood up while holding his cheek and walked quickly away from me.

"Bitch." Jimin's expression changed.
He looked in rage at me. He was really angry. He started walking towards me while shooting deathglares.

He tightly pulled on my hair and started screaming in my face.
WHY!?! HUH, WHY?!!!" His eyes were teary.

My head started hurting badly because of his tight grip on my hair.
"J-j-jimin..." He suddenly slapped me.


He just triggered me really bad.

Crazy modus -----》ON

I glared at him and twisted his hand.
He groaned and loosened his grip.
I took the chance and head-butted him. He held his nose with his hand and looked at me in shock.

"Did you just-" I broke his sentence.
"Yeah, i just did that. What are you gonna do about it asshole?!" I shouted at him. I felt my veins pop out of my neck. I probably looked like a tomato right now.

It didn't last long. He glared at me again. "Get. Out. Now." I shook my head while glaring back.

"Make. Me."


He took
one look
at her,
and he knew
she was the
perfect kind of trouble:
A good girl
who exactly knew
when to be bad.

Hey guys! Hope you liked it!
Don't forget to leave a comment and to give it a star!!!

Enjoy the next one and don't forget to breathe! Bye! Love y'all! 💋

Enjoy the next one and don't forget to breathe! Bye! Love y'all! 💋

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