The truth

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Hey guys! I'm back with part 12
i think. Euhm... Enjoy and don't forget to breathe! Bye! Love y'all! 💋


Do you think you can trust people easily?

You never know what the person you trust the most can do to you.


"I am really dissapointed in you Y/n!" My mom paces around the livingroom while glaring at me. "I didn't do anything bad." Her face changed from angry to shocked. "Are you kidding me?! You sprayed with graffiti spray on her face!!" I just shrugged my shoulders and that made her even more angrier. "You're grounded!!!" My eyes went wider. "What?!"
I stood up.
"Your grounded! Are you deaf?!" "What i did to her is nothing compared to what sh-".
I couldn't move an inch. She slapped me. My own mother slapped me and that was the point i bursted in tears and started yelling at her. I started spitting the truth in her face. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?! I AM THE ONE WHO GOT SLAPPED?! I GOT RAPED BECAUSE OF HER AND I AM THE ONE WHO GOT SLAPPED?!!"
She stood there in shock trying to process my words. Her hand travelled up to her mouth and tears started flowing from her eyes. "R-r-raped???"
She was stuttering so bad and i saw guilt forming in her eyes. "Yes mom! My beloved EX-best friend rented some boys to rape me! In the fucking park!" She spoke again. "P-please t-tell me this is a j-joke... P-p-please..."
I shook my head. "It's all true. That day that you came to get me from that boy's house. He was the one that found me in the park. Unconsiousness." She fell on her knees while crying. "I'm s-so s-sorry"
She tried to touch me, but i walked away. She turned around while wiping her tears. "W-where are you going?" She stood up and started walking towards me. I grabbed my jacket and opened the door. "I will be home late.' I mumbled and closed the door. While i was walking i heard her yelling my name. I didn't even glance at her. She was the one that dissapointed me. She was.


Hope you like it. I know it's a lil bit short but that's because the next part is going to be long and a little.... Hard? I guess. But i think you guys can handle it. Well i hope so. Sjksjksjksjk. Don't mind me.

Enjoy the next one, but don't forget to drink some water first before you die while reading the next one.

Hehehhehehe.... Okki bye!

 Okki bye!

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