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Hey guys!
I'm back with the second page!
Hope you like it and don't forget to breathe!
Love y'all!


You cannot heal your wounds if you don't stop hiding them...

I'm sad, but i smile. That's my life.


~2 months later~

I took my backpack and looked at the mirror for the last time. My mom left early in the morning to the hospital. I took a deep breath and started walking out of the house. On my way to school, i took my earphones out and listened to music. Calming, relaxing music. After a few minutes, i arrived at school.

I didn't saw any of my friends. Probably already in class. I walked in and go'd to my locker. I opened it and it rained post-it's. It all fell on the ground. I picked one up and readed it. Go kill yourself. I heard people laughing and pointing at me.
I felt sad. I tried to ignore it everyday, but it just gets worser and worser.

I can't stop it. Suddenly, i felt a hand on my shoulder. I crumbled the post-it and put it in my pocket. I forced a smile and turned around. Seulgi stood infront of me and looked worried. "Y/n-ah, what's all this?" She asked while pointing at the post-it's. "Just a prank. Nothing more. Don't worry." She nodded slowly. "Let's go to class, shall we?" I nodded too and we made out way to class.

~In class~

I was looking out of the window. I dozed off so badly, that i didn't even hear the teacher calling my name.
"Y/N!" I shot my head to the direction of the teacher. "Can you anwser this question please?" He asked with a strict tone in his voice. "I-euhm... I don't really kn-" He interrupted me. "I want to talk to you after class dismissal." Everyone started laughing. I just nodded and lowered my head.

~Class Dismissal~

I waited till all the students got out of the class. The teacher called me to his desk. "What's wrong, Y/n? You've been dozing off much lately." He said while folding his hands. "I am truly sorry, Mr. Lee." He looked at me. "Please pay attention to my lessons." I nodded and excused myself. The whole day was the same. Boring. People that we're laughing at me. Annoying teachers.

~Time Skip to home~

"Mom? I'm home!"I yelled while throwing my backpack away.
"Oh, sweetie! Welcome!" She hugged me and we sat down on the couch. "So how was your day?" I started thinking about today. "Great." I anwsered simply. "Ah, i almost forgot!" I looked at her, confused. "I want to bring you to the hospital, tomorrow." I was shook.

I mean... Me? In a hospital?
No way. "Mom, you know i hate hospitals." "I know, darling. But this time you will like it and at the same day, we're getting a new patient. That's great, right!" "Okey... Fine..."She started clapping in her hands. "Now go take a bath or something! You stink!" We both laughed and i made my way to the bathroom. I took my clothes off and looked in the mirror.
The scars. The scars on my arms. A tear fell from my eye and i wiped it fast away. Be strong.

~After Shower~

I was drying my hair when i heard my phone. 1 notification. I picked my phone up and unlocked it.


Go kill yourself bitch.

I readed the message over and over again. I threw my phone away and lied on my bed. I stared at the ceiling. Why? Just why? What did i do to deserve this? I stood up and walked back in the bathroom. I took the knife that i hid in the closet and started cutting my wrists. Tears and blood. Pain. Then i heard my mom's voice. "Y/n?! Where are you?! Dinner is ready!" I quickly hid the knife back in the closet and washed my arms. I pulled my sleeves down and wiped my tears. I, again, forced a smile. "Coming!!"


Tears are words the heart can't say.

End of part 2.
Enjoy the next one.

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