Playing with fire

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Hey guys! I'm back with part 46! Hope you like it and don't forget to breathe! Bye! Love y'all! 💋


Do you ever
get the feeling
that this life
isn't yours?

That you have
no control?

That everyone
around you is
living and
you're just

Waiting for what?


We were all sitting in the park and enjoying our times. By we, i mean me, Jimin, Taehyung, Yoongi, Hoseok, Solar and Seulgi. Those two bitches insisted to come with us even though we didn't want them to come.

But i decided to ignore them. We were currently deciding wich flavor we wanted for our ice cream. Jimin was the one who was getting the ice creams. "So, 3 chocolate, 2 vanilla, 1 strawberry and 1 cranberry ice creams?" We all nodded in agreement and Jimin left to buy them.

I was talking to Yoongi, so i didn't realise that Solar went after him while looking behind her to see if someone noticed. After some minutes of talking, Jimin came with Solar. They were holding the ice creams and they seemed to have fun. Giggling and laughing. I guess Jimin forgot about the incident yesterday.

I saw Solar looking at me from the corner of her eyes and smirking at me. Calm down, Y/n. Breathe. "You okay?" Yoongi asked worried while holding my shoulder. I nodded with a fake smile before taking my ice cream out of Jimin's hand, not even glancing at him. Jimin noticed your sudden cold attitude but decided to wait to talk to me.

He sat down. Next to Solar. Still smiling. Laughing. This bitch really be testing my patience. Someone poked my waist. I turned around and saw Yoongi smirking. "What?" I frowned. "You're jealous." I rolled my eyes at him and continued to eat my ice cream. "Let's make Jimin jealous." He suddenly said. I smirked at the idea and agreed with him.

We winked at each other, giving signs. I started laughing really hard, catching everyone's attention, including Jimin's. "Yoongi, you're so funny!" I laughed harder and playfully hit his chest. Jimin was already glaring at us. You nice, keep going. "Y/n, you have something there." Yoongi leaned closer and wiped the ice cream off of the corner of my mouth. Suddenly, someone yanked me away from Yoongi. I almost fell on the ground from the bench.

I looked up, only to meet a furious Jimin. Literally. He seemed like a tomato from all the anger. He threw my ice cream in the container and dragged me to a tree that was pretty far from the others. I was pouting because of my ice cream.

"What the hell was that just now?!!" He suddenly turned around and yelled at me. I didn't even flinch. "What was what just now?" I asked innocently. He scoffed in unbelief. "Are you fucking kidding me?! You guys were literally flirting in front of me!!"

CRAZY MODUS------------> ON

"Oh, so i'm the one in fault now?! Maybe if you wouldn't flirt with that bitch, i wouldn't do this shit!!" I yelled at his face and he backed away a bit but stepped closer again. "I wasn't flirting!! We were just talking!! Like normal people do you know!!!" He shouted back and i saw his veins popping out. I licked my lips at the sight.

Now is not the moment, Y/n.
But it's such a turn on. I took a deep breath. "I was talking too!!!" Jimin rolled his eyes. "Oh come on, we both know you were flirting with him." He said while crossing his arms over his chest. "You are the one who started it!! You know i hate that bitch!!"

"Well, she is better than you!! She doesn't nag all the time!!!"

My breath stopped. My eyes became teary. "S-so you prefer her instead of me? Okay, fine. As you wish. It's over." I said before walking off. Jimin groaned loudly and ran his hand through his hair in frustration.
He knew he just crossed the line.

He crossed it badly.

I took my bag and jacket and ignored the others that were calling my name. I walked out of the park and went to Jungkook's appartement. He's my best friend. He was always there with me at my hard times. The thing i love the most about him is that he doesn't speak or talk to comfort me. He hugs me. Simple. That simple thing can calm me down in less than a second.

I rang his doorbell and after a minute, the door opened, revealing a confused expression. Though it changed immediatly when he saw my glassy eyes. He smiled softly and hugged me. Kissing my head and stroking my hair. He pulled me inside and we sat down on the couch, cookie's arms never leaving my body.

"I hate that jerk." I muttered. "Cry. Cry it all out, chipmunk." Cookie calls me chipmunk since the first time he saw me eating. He said i looked like one while munching and nibbling on my food. I did it. I cried so hard. I wetted his shirt and he didn't mind.

Now this, people, is what you call a real best friend.

FFF. Fuck Fake Friends.


Never did i want this life.

Hey guys! Hope you liked it and didn't die. Hehe. Joking. Euhm, well, Enjoy the next one! Bye! Love y'all! 💋

 Euhm, well, Enjoy the next one! Bye! Love y'all! 💋

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