Vocaloid 2.0

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Oh hai there! :3 well, this is a short little something I decided to write as to seeing theres only two Vocaloid fanfic's out there. So, I know it suck's but what's to lose? Enjoy~!

Chapter 1~ The package!

"I'm...going...to...die!" Grunted a young girl the age of 14. She was sitting at her desk. It was summer and there was only one week left before school. Summer's supposed to be fun, correct? Well, not for Rin Kagamine. "Why me? Why not Kaito or Teto? Or even Miku?" She sighed. "Oh wait I forgot, they're all on vacation. Having fun." And it was true. All her friends were gone on vacation, while she was stuck at home. She wasn't in trouble. And it wasn't like her parent's didn't have the money to send her on a trip. No, its that they forgot about her. Literally. And she highly doubt they had noticed that she was missing.

Her parent's were the rich owner's of the Crypton company. If they weren't on vacation without Rin they were on a business trip. She cant blame them though. Her father, Gakupo, was a great scientist. On the other hand, her mother, Luka, was a singer. Right now they were on vacation. Maybe they needed the time off. But secretly Rin wanted to just spend some normal time with her parent's. "Yea, like thats ever gonna happen..." she sighed. Suddenly there was a knocking at the front door. Desperate for something to do, she got up and ran downstairs. "Maybe she came back for me! Well, maybe..." She thought excited. But when she opened the door her hopes shattered.

"Stupid... shouldn't let your hopes up like that." She said to herself, kicking the huge box thing on the front step. 'Wait, box thing?' She thought, looking down. Sure enough, there sat a long, rectangular wooden box. On it was a note, it read: "Dear Rin, Sorry for leaving without you like that. But me and your father had to cancel the vacation before we could go back for you. It was for the company. You know that new project that we've been working on so much lately? Vocaloids 2.0? Yea well, me and your father have a surprise. We made the first one as your mirror image! Cool, right? And we even used your voice and messed with it until it sounded guyish. Anyways, hope you enjoy. Love, mom and dad~"

She stood there for a full 5 minutes just staring at the paper. "W...T...F?!?!?! IN MY IMAGE?! ... wait... it said guyish." She looked down at the box. On it said "Kagamine, Len" in big bold letters. "So... its... a dude?" She thought out loud. At the same time the box moved "...what the-" Its top burst open. "WTF!? AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She screamed bloody murder and ran back into the house, looking for a place to hide. The first thing she saw was a plant. So she attempted to hide behind it, not stopping to realize that it was a small indoor palm tree and the Vocaloid could easily see through the spaces of the leaves.

Then there was footsteps and...

AND IM STOPPING IT THERE! and since i highly doubt anyone will read this i also doubt ill ever write more. but still, please vote/comment.

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