The First Sight~!

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Ok well im bored so heres the next part. Hope you enjoy~!

Chapter Two: The First Sight~!

Recap:Rins POV

She stood there for a full 5 minutes just staring at the paper. "W...T...F?!?!?! IN MY IMAGE?! ... wait... it said guyish." She looked down at the box. On it said "Kagamine, Len" in big bold letters. "So... its... a dude?" She thought out loud. At the same time the box moved "...what the-" Its top burst open. "WTF!? AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She screamed bloody murder and ran back into the house, looking for a place to hide. The first thing she saw was a plant. So she attempted to hide behind it, not stopping to realize that it was a small indoor palm tree and the Vocaloid could easily see through the spaces of the leaves.

Then there was footsteps and...

Rins POV still-

Then there was footsteps and in walked a young boy, about her age, maybe older by a year or two. He was tall, had blond hair just like her, which was up in a small perfect pony tail at the time. She watched in amazement as he walked around, looking amazed and amused by everything. Then he turned his gaze towards her hiding spot...

Lens POV~

I walked in this strange house, looking around. Whoa, everything looked so... cool! Way better then that stupid box I woke up in. As I was looking around I remembered something. I had heard a scream as I woke up. It had sounded like a girls scream too. I looked around, perhaps she was still here? It was then my eyes caught onto something. It was a small house palm, with wide leaves. And hiding behind it was a girl. She looked completely scared and helpless. I walked over to her, wanting to ask why she was so scared. It was only then that I caught sight of her eyes for the first time. "Such a beautiful blue..." I accidentally said out loud. Oh... SHIT. "Uh, I meant..." Taking my gaze away from her eyes to get a good look at the rest of her face. "Are you ok?" I asked, kneeling down to her. She whimpered and moved back at response. And for some reason I had this weird sinking feeling. It hurt, I wonder why...

Rins POV~!~

Oh, my, fucking, god. Hes right there, staring at me. Looking down at me. I should get up and run to the cops or call my parents. But no, I sit here, transfixed by his eyes. They're so pretty... Whoa! Wait, wtf? Did I just call this THING pretty? ...Weird... "Such a beautiful blue..." He said, starring into my eyes. Before I could say anything he went on "Uh, I meant..." Looking away from my eyes to the rest of my face he went "Are you ok?" He kneeled down to me. I whimpered and backed up closed to the wall. But instead of anger, or him attacking me, like I expected, he looked hurt. I wonder why...

Done, :3 plz comment or vote or something like that...

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