~!Getting To Know Len!~ Part 2

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Hey :3 well, theres a snow storm here in NYC. Its crazy, so Ive decided to keep myself busy by typing up a new chapter since it appears at least 1 or more people are reading this. ^.^ Enjoy~

RECAP: Rins POV- "Hey! How did you sleep? Would you like me to make you some breakfast? Wanna play a game? Do you have any summer homework that needs doing? Are you alright? Your kinda staring at me with you mouth open..." He blasted out one question after another. "Uh... Yea im fine, just not used to having someone around." I did my best to smile at him to reassure him. "I sleeped fine, and naw, im not hungry. Maybe we can play later. And I finished all my homework, thanks though! ^.^" She smiled at him for real that time. "Alright... well, hey, I never got your name..." He said, blushing a bit. She gave him a odd face. "Its Rin. Rin Kagamine. You were made as my mirror image. So we're not related but we look and act rather the same. Kinda like twins!" She laughed. He tilted his head at her, before grabbing her and...

Chapter ~5~

Still Rin's POV-

He tilted his head at me, before grabbing me and... tickling me to death! "Stop!" I gasped between laughter. "No fair!" I grabbed a pillow from the couch and threw it at him. He fell back and landed with a 'ouf!' on the floor. It was silent for a second before we both broke out laughing out asses off. Wow, Ive never had this much fun before. Rin thought to herself.

Lens POV-

*A few days later*

I had gotten really close to Rin within the first week of my stay. In fact, I think im even starting to like her. Like, like like as more than a friend. But I doubt she likes me anymore then a friend. I sighed "Rin, what do you want to do today?" We had done everything and anything there was to do in the house. Including video games and even reading. "I don't know... WAIT! I've got an idea!" With that, she got up, ran off, and disappeared for a good few minutes. When she came back she was holding two blank books. Their covers were plain white, and so were the pages. She handed Len one. "I've always wanted to make my own diary. I got these a few years back because it was buy one get one free. But I never thought I'd have use for them. But I guess I was wrong."

She sat down, and took out a box from under the table. "This is my secret art supplies. I don't want my parents messing with them so I hide my stuff." She opened it and to Lens surprise, it was neatly organized. It had everything and anything that you could imagine to use to decorate something. "Um... I know this must be a stupid thing to ask but... whats a 'diary'?" Len asked, looking quite confused. Rin smiled, "Its a book that is yours and yours only. You keep tract of everything thats important to you in it. At the end of each day, you write down the date and write what happened during that day. But you can let anyone else read it, so no reading mine!" She said, playfully punching him in the arm. She took a black pencil out from her art box and started sketching some things on the cover of her diary. Len followed her example. 

A while later, when they had both decorated their diarys to satisfaction, they opened then and wrote down what had happened the first day.

Len wrote:

Dear Diary,

I think this is kinda weird. Talking to a book and all, no offence. But if Rin thinks its fun then so do I. Well, yea, thats all I have to say. I'll write in you some other time. Bye!

Rin wrote:

Dear Diary,

Hi! My names Rin. From now on i'll be writing down mostly all my thoughts, idea, dreams and everything that happens to me in this! I hope that you'll be a awesome diary! Ive always wanted one, but until now, nothing interesting enough to write down has happened in my life. I hope that since Lens here, that'll all change. I think... Im starting to like him! Weird right? Well anyways, TTYL byez~!

Love, Rin

Alright, thats the end of this chapter. Hope you enjoyed if you read it. Its getting better I hope. Anyways


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