Chapter Two.

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Ring. Ring. The alarm screamed at the girl in the ear. She groaned the hit the alarm. It was Lexi's first day of school. How the program worked was she brought the child with her to school and she took her to each class there was a room towards the back of school that you go to if your child is crying. Since Juliette is a fairly happy baby Lexi took the risk. She got up and grabbed her outfit. Which was a nice white  sweater and a pair of red jeans with white converse. She took a shower and got dressed. She tossed her hair into a messy bun. She didn't have time to do her hair because Juliette was crying. She changed the babies diaper and outfit. She put in a little corduroy dress that was green with yellow buttons. She added dark purple tights and brown shoes. It all went together but in a miss matching kind of fashion. She brushed the babies hair back and out a white headband with a small flower on. "Are you to come to school with mom?" The girl asked kissing the baby. The baby cooed back at her mother. "I'll take that as a yes" she said carrying the child down stairs. Lexi left all the baby stuff on the counter last night. She grabbed a clean bottle and filled with the breast milk. Lexi fed her daughter while making herself some toast for breakfast. She added some jelly and ate it.

Lexi grabbed her lunch which she made once Juliette went to sleep. It was a salad and grapes with some chip. Her father is letting her drive the Jeep since he has to take the squad car. Lexi brought the Baby Bijorn so she could carry The baby on her chest. She grabbed her diaper bag and backpack and gets in the car. She straps Juliette in and herself. Then Drives the twenty minute drive. She pulls into the school parking lot. She quickly realizes how easily she's going to stand out. Every one at this school has a dark complexion and long hair. Lexi parks and gets out. There are about fifty kids in the parking lot now. She grabs Juliette's seat and the diaper bag along with her backpack. Lexi ignores the stares and continues to walk up the stairs to school.

"Is that Alex Swan?" Jacob Black ask standing next to Embry Call. "I didn't think she was back in town. And when did she have a baby?" Seth Clearwater asks watching her grab the small children's seat. "Probably got knocked up and tried coming here to beg Charlie for help" Paul Lahote said rolling his is eyes. "I think Bella's the sister with more issues" Paul mumbled rolling his eyes. Jacob growled at him and flared a mean glare.

"Hello Alexandra Lynne Swan. I'm here for my first day." Lexi said "oh your in the YMOL program correct?" The woman ask. "Yes I am" The girl said giving her the sheet of paper. "Okay well we'll have Monica show you around." "Okay sounds great" Lexi said, just then a girl with long black hair came bursting in. "Morning Lillian" she said. "Cameron told me you wanted to see me" the girl was carrying a baby who looked to be about one. "Yes this is Lexi, she is going to be in your program. Would it be okay if you showed her around?" 'Lillian' asked. "Oh yes of course" Monica smiles at me. "Hello I'm Monica Lahote" "Alexandra  Swan but people call me Lexi" she said shaking the girls hand. "And who is this little bean?" Monica asked cooing Juliette. "This is Juliette" "aww isn't she the cutest. I remember when Oscar was that age. Such a adorable age. Has she rolled over yet?" She asked giving the near one year old a toy. "No but we're close" Lexi smiled.

"Well girls sorry to rush your meeting but I have things to do in my office" Lillian said shooing the girls along. "Oh of course, sorry Lillian. Follow Me" Monica said walking out. "So how old is he?" Lexi asked. "He's turning one next month." Monica said looking down at her blond son. He definitely had his fathers coloring. "Is his father in his life" Lexi asked. Monica tightened her smile. "No" she looked sadly at her son. "Hey it's okay. I haven't seen Juliette's dad since the day I told him I was pregnant" the girl said putting a comforting hand on her shoulder. Monica smiled, it wasn't the same. Lexi didn't have to face her child's father every time she went to English class.

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