chapter •grand dukes of russia

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Disclaimer: I don't speak Russian. All sentences are from Google Translate.

Anastasia sat in her room, biting her nails to frustration. Henry had left her alone right after it was announced that Jane is in labor. That was yesterday and Jane was having complications. Lady Stafford, Elizabeth, and Lord Ambrose were in the room as well. Occasionally, Ambrose would sneak glances at Anna.

It was no secret to Anastasia that Ambrose was captivated by Anna. No one could blame him. Anna was the sweetest of Anastasia's ladies. Anna was an innocent and no one would ever harm her under their watch.

"Your Majesty, your brothers have arrived." Kathleen informed. Anastasia had a smile grow on her face and stood up carefully.

Finally they had arrived to Anastasia's rooms. Stiva walked in and his jaw dropped at the sight of his favorite sister with child. Andrei, 18 years old, bowed to his sister and kissed her cheek affectionately.

"Tvoya krasota rastet s kazhdym novoluniyem, sestra." (Your beauty grows with every new moon, sister.) Andrei said. Anastasia smiled with glee.

"I ty stanovish'sya bol'she chelovekom. Skoro ty budesh' razbivat' serdtsa." (And you are becoming more of a man. Soon you will be breaking hearts.) Anastasia answers back in her language. "Let me introduce to you Lady Mary Stafford and Lord Ambrose Howard." Anastasia motions towards Mary and Ambrose. Mary bowed at the Grand Dukes of Russia. Elizabeth tugged on Anastasia hand. Anastasia looked down with a smile before looking back up. "And this is Lady Elizabeth Tudor."

Elizabeth smiled at the two brothers and bowed. They bowed back even if it wasn't in their rank requirements.

"These are my brothers, Grand Duke Stiva and Grand Duke Andrei." Anastasia told them.

"We will leave you alone now, Your Majesty. Your Royal Highnesses." Ambrose said. He stood up with Mary and left. Elizabeth stayed back with Anastasia and played with her new doll that was given to her by her step-mother.

"How are you feeling, sister?" Stiva asked. They all sat down as Kathleen poured some wine for them all.

"All is well, dearest brothers." Anastasia said, letting out a breath. Stiva nods but was skeptical.

"We have heard..." Stiva starts. "...that you husband's mistress was also with child."

"Yes, she is. She is also in labor now, actually."

"Molis' Bogu, chtoby ona umerla pri rodakh." (Pray to God that she dies in childbirth.) Andrei mutters. He didn't like to see the women is his family upset, even Olga, the second daughter. Anastasia hissed him to silence.

"Don't say such things, or they will come back to you ten fold. Remember, all walls have ears."

"Apologies sister." Andrei said in english. There was a hint of an accent in it, but still understandable. Anastasia smiled at him in forgiveness. He still doesn't understand. Anastasia would never wish something horrible upon an innocent child, to lose their mother. Even if she hates Jane, she didn't want to child to lose their mother like Mary and Elizabeth did. Kathleen walked back into the room

"Your Majesty, Lady Mary is here to see you." Kathleen announces.

"Mary!" Elizabeth cried out in excitement. Anastasia pats Elizabeth's head and looks at Kathleen.

"Let her in." Kathleen bows and steps out of the way. Mary walked in gracefully. Anastasia noted that she wore one of the many dress she had sent made her Mary. Mary wore the sea-foam green dress with a pearl headdress.

"Mary. It's so lovely to see you." Anastasia said, opening her arms to hug Mary. Mary smiled and hug her step-mother. Over the time, Mary was very favorite along with Elizabeth. Anastasia was the perfect mother figure, and a Catholic at that. Her mother would very much like her.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. You look wonderful as well." Mary comments. She looks at the two brothers of Anastasia.

"This is Lady Mary Tudor. Mary, these are my brothers, Stiva and Andrei Romanova." Mary turned to the Grand Dukes and bowed.

"Your Highnesses." Mary raised her head up and immediately was captivated by Andrei, and Andrei was captivated by Mary.

"The pleasure is mine, Lady Mary." Andrei said softly. Mary's cheeks blushed a dusty pink color. Andrei, he gave a goofy smile.


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