Im sorry

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A hand tapping on the glass woke me up. Huh, I don't even remeber falling asleep. Reaching over I opened the door and there stood Lori, one of the other moms at the camp, actually Carl's. Even though I have the same blue eyes as Daryl and Merle and our daddy, my mama had brown straight hair and sometimes when I look at Lori it's almost like looking at my mama.

"Sweetheart, everyone at camp is looking for you. Why did you come down here? I thought Carol was supposed to be watching you." She said with that perfect mom look. Her mouth was set tight but her eyes didn't look mad just... scared, stressed?

I quickly realized that I could be in trouble and I felt the heat rise to my cheeks and my ears. "I just wanted to be alone. I didn't mean to make anyone worry, i'm sorry."

"What would your brothers have done if you had done this while they were here, hmm, i'm sure that they wouldn't have liked it."

Panic filled me. "Please don't tell them Miss Lori, I didn't mean anythin' by it. I just wanted to be alone for a little and I said I was sorry." I knew the boys wouldn't be happy and I really didn't want to have a "talking" to or even a lecture. I really hated being in trouble, hated the feeling of disapointing someone and hated the feeling of being stupid 'cause I did what I did.

"Honey, I think that they should know, I mean sorry wouldn't have cut it if something had happened to you." Her eyes held sympathy but I was started to get mad at her. I couldn't just tell her that the one of the reasons I left was because Sophia was being mean and that Carl didn't even really talk to me because I was younger.

"Yea but nothing did happen!" I snapped. I saw her face change and she look surprised for a second, but than that quickly changed back to the stern look. Who cares, she wasn't my parent. "Fine go a head and tell him, see if I care." I jumped out of the truck and ran towards the water's edge. Once there I stood by it and just watched as little fish babies swam around looking for something to do and something to eat. Yea, I feel ya. I stayed there for a long while until my stomach growled at me, than I started towards the camp.

When I got back to the camp I froze in my place. There talking to Lori was Daryl. A man with brown, curly hair and a beard was also with her and he was wearing a police officer outfit?He kept using his hands to try to calm my brother down, I think.

"You left him there?!" I heard Daryl yell. Left who?

The man with Lori talked quietly to Daryl and than pointed to me. Crud, I didn't think they would have seen me. I started to back away, towards where I came, but Daryl caught my eyes and snapped his fingers at me. He pointed to the spot next to his left leg and I had no choice but to walk to it. So sheepishly I ducked my head to hide the blush and walked over to his side. When I got close to his leg I snuck a glance at his face and he didn't look happy at all. His jaw was set and his eyes were slitted. Dang it...

"We can leave in ten and than head back to get him if ya like." The other man said. I automatically started to like him, he was gentle and quiet. Different than everyone that I had known growing up. I liked that.

I saw Daryl nod his head, than I was quickly jerked to the side and he was crouched down in front of my face.

"What is wrong with you, Nora?!" He hissed.

I came up blank for a moment than I remembered, "I-I don't know, I was alone and I missed you guys a-and I wasn't getting along with the other kids. I just wanted to be alone, please don't be mad."

His glare only intensified. "You can bet your ass i'm mad. I told you to stay here, at the camp! Not go off and not tell anyone." He stood up and started pacing, which is never good. "You had people looking for you, do ya really think these people need more ta worry 'bout? They got their own shit to deal with 'sides looking for a moping little girl that can't do what she's told. Am I right?" I nodded my head cause I could feel tears coming to my eyes and my throat was feeling tighter by the second. I hated when he was mad at me, knowing that I had made him mad and disapointed was the worst feeling in the world. Even worse than when I made Merle upset. Speaking of which, where is he?

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"Yea, ya are cause ya got caught. But if'n Lori hadn't found ya I don't think that ya woulda lost any sleep over it."

I just looked down because I was crying and he was also probably right. A tear ran into my mouth and the salt stung my already chapped lips. Than I was picked up and Daryl sat me on his hip and started walking towards the truck. His strides were long and powerful and for a moment I was reminded of how strong my brother was. He sat me on the tailgate, gently actually, and looked at me.

"Your gonna sit right here and think 'bout what ya coulda done today instead of not listenin' to me. Ya hear?"

I looked around to see if any other kids were around but luckily no one was. That didn't stop my cheeks from heating up though.

"Daryl," I whined. "I'm to old for a time out."

He just scoffed and glared at me. "Uhuh, you're nine. It's actually the perfect age for a time out." I just dropped my head and started to silently cry again, slightly embarrest. All I had wanted was to be alone and miss my brothers and it got me in trouble.

"I was really scared that you weren't gonna come back to me, ya know." I said after a few moments of silence. "I didn't just go to the truck to get away from people, I wanted to be with your stuff too. You never even asked what was wrong."

I heard him sigh and felt the tailgate move as he sat beside me.

"I'm sorry that you were scared Nors, but ya gotta learn that you can't do things like that now, it's dangerous and the world ain't safe for little girls like ya ta be alone in."

"What if you or Merle don't come back one time when you leave?" I felt him stiffen besides me as if I had said something wrong.

"You ain't gotta worry 'bout that. Done told ya me an' Merle can take care of ourselves. We just gotta worry about you. And I always come back. Always have, always will."

Than for some reason my eyes started watering more than ever and all I wanted to do was cry and be in my big brother's lap. So I did. Slowly I wormed my way into his lap and into the strong arms I knew would always protect me. Darly's blue eyes found mine and he smirked.

"Ain't ya a little old to be sittin' in my lap again?"

"Uhuh," I said. "I'm nine, i'm actually the perfect age."

The life of Nora dixon Where stories live. Discover now