Run away

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After hearing this i was about to let out a bunch of sobs because of my daddy I missed him and I can't believe Merle would do that how could he I ran back to the RV and closed the door I threw my self down on the bed and cried I cried until I herd the door open it sounded as if They where panicking
I sat up and the light turned on

"what's wrong Nors" I looked up at him he sat down and hugged me I sat in his lap I didn't want to answer him because he would get mad "Nora" I looked up at him "hmm" "why where you crying" I looked back down and he pushed my head up "umm well I snuck out of the RV and I went over to Merle and he was with carol and they where talking and I listened to there conversation and then Merle started talking about how daddy hurt us and that one day where we had to leave daddy Merle said he's in prison and he never is leaving you lied to me why would you do that " I looked up at him and started crying "I lied to you to protect you " I looked at him "protecting me means you keep secrets about family about daddy sure if that's what you call protecting then Sure "

I pushed away from him and then the door opened again "what's happening little bro and sis " Daryl gave him a cold look "I told you to watch her " Daryl spat "I did she was asleep " he simply said "clearly not she could have died and now she knows about dad how about that and what you did she knows every last detail because you decide to tell people what are life is about Merle it's not the business ok so stop" Merle gave me a death look then came charging at me

I got scared but I was then pinned to the ground and being smacked in the face multiple times I cried really hard I looked up at Merle his face shocked my face shocked Merle just hit me the boys never hurt me like ever Merle quickly got off me and went to the other bed and laid down Daryl scoped me up and hugged me

I broke from his arms and ran out of the RV him chasing after me I hid behind a tree and he stopped I herd him walk back I curled into a ball and cried I then got up and started running I was then grabbed by the arm and looked back

I see a girl with short black hair "be quiet " I nod and we walk back to this farm we stop in the porch "I'm Maggie" she said I looked at her "Nora" I said and she shook my hand "you can stay here for as long as you want" she said I nod "thank you" I said she took me inside and introduce me to every one there Jimmy Beth Hershel Patricia and Otis they where all over me because the youngest child the have seen for a while was Beth she's 17 or 16 I don't really know but any ways the let me sleep in one of there spare rooms

Hershel was a doctor and checked my cheek he said it will just bruise and it should go away but it's whatever I miss Daryl I feel terrible for pushing away from him he was just trying to help me I started crying and I fell asleep

The life of Nora dixon Where stories live. Discover now