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I woke up and looked around. Merle was asleep on a big white bed and Daryl was on a couch with his forearm under head and a bottle of Jack Daniels on the ground next to his head. My surroundings were unfamilar to me and I was startled until I remembered the nights events. Tears almost came to my eyes again from just knowing that Merle was with us again. All I wanted to do was hold onto him and not let go, for a long time! A devishish Dixon grin spread on my face as I thought about how I could show him how much I missed him.

I crawled out of my roll out bed as quietly as I could and snuck up beside his bed. I looked at his chest and could see that he was still breathing heavy and even. Which I assumed meant he was asleep. I put my hands on the bed real genlty and counted to three before I would pounce. One, two, three! I jumped onto his chest but I forgot that my brother is Merle Dixon. He flipped me over and pinned me to the bed, my two hands in one of his huge hands and a smirking Merle above me.

"Thought you could sneak up on ol' Merle didn't ya, sweetheart?" He seemed to be wide awake and tried to figure out what I could have done to be noisey.

I looked at him with a smile on my face. "How'd you know!?" I said. "I made sure to be super quiet. I was almost a mouse!"

He laughed out loud and poked me in the side. "Cause I know, see, and hear everything. Ain't that right Darlin'?" He directed to Daryl as he threw a fluffy pillow at his head. I giggled as Daryl groaned, rolled over and gave Merle his middle finger.

I saw the boys do that to each other and always thought it looked cool to do, but the time that I did I got in a lot of trouble so I knew not to. Speaking of trouble...

"Merle?" I asked quietly.

"What princess?" He asked, his tone matching mine.

I looked at him for a second and than looked to Daryl. He caught my eyes and knew what I was thinking.

"Not uh," he said. "You wanna get in trouble with him go ahead but I ain't part of it."

I gave him my best puppy dog eyes but he just rolled his eyes and said no again. Killjoy. Well he didn't say I couldn't do it, just said he wasn't gonna help.

"Let me up, I can't do it with you sittin' on me."

He let me up and I grabbed a cup on the floor that one of the boys was using last night. I went to the bathroom and filled it with the faucet. Slowly I crept up to where Daryl was. I looked at my other brother but he just raised his eyebrows at me. No help there. I knew Daryl wouldn't sense me by him from the alcohol he had. I raised the cup above his head and this is when two angels appeared on my shoulders.

One said, "Don't do it Nora, you know he's tired and he has done nothing but protect you lately." That is a good point, I guess.

"Do it!" Said the other one said. "It'll be funny and you are a Dixon, right? Dixon's ain't 'friad of nuttin'." There was a moment of hesitation... but only a very brief moment. I lifted the cup up and poured the cold contents on Daryl's head. The other angel was right, I am a Dixon, true and proud.

"Ughhh!" He yelled. "WHAT THE HELL?"

He sat up and looked around. Then his eyes locked on me and the cup in my hand.


I ran to the other side of Merle's bed as Daryl let out a roar and leapt up from the couch.

"Merle help!" I shrieked.

"Nope!" He said, popping the 'P' dramatically. "You poked the bear, you deal with the consequences."

I made a mad dash to the door but before I could get even a foot in the hallway, an arm of steel wrapped around my waist and my belly connected with someones shoulder. Darn!

"Daryl," I tried. "I love you a lot, ya know?"

He grunted. "Yea, and I'm about to show you how much I love ya back, little girl."


Ten minutes later we were sitting at a table with everyone else and eating breakfast. T Dogg made eggs and toast which was really good. I didn't mind eating meat all the time because I was so used to it, but it was nice to have a meal with out some dead animal on my plate. I mean I guess it was a chicken, but it wasn't really a chicken. I soon became full though and pushed my plate away.

"Not uh," Daryl said. "You ain't even eaten much. You ain't done."

I looked at him with sass in my eyes and was about to tell him I was, but Merle cleared his throat and raised his eyebrows at me. I knew what that meant. I looked to both of my brothers, sighed and then dug in a again.

Dale looked at me and smiled. "I'm sure your brothers just want you to get a bunch of protein and food in you because we don't know if we'll always be able to eat like this."

Both of the boys nodded in response to his statemeant and Merle even smiled at him. He must either really like him or respect him, because he doesn't just do that to anyone. I always liked Dale too. He made me smile and was kind of the grandpa that I always wanted and never had. So I just smiled and ate a bit more til I felt as if I was gonna burst. That time the boys approved.

Shane and the doctor started to have a conversation but I wasn't to focused because soon me and Sophia were playing a hand game where you try to be real fast and hit the other person's hands. Shortly after that though Jenner said that he had something to show us. We followed him to a room and he said it was a video of some sort. All the members of the group gathered round a large screen and prepared to watch something, all except Merle. He sat down in a computer chair and called me over to him.

"You ain't gonna watch it?" Daryl asked.

"Nah." Merle replied. "I already seen it and I don't think sunshine here needs to watch it." He and Daryl had some sort of conversation in their heads because Daryl just nodded and walked away.

I squirmed from where I was sitting in Merle's lap. "Wait, I wanna see."


"Merle!" I whined. "Everyone else gets to watch it."

He looked at me with a firm glare etched into his face. His blue-grey eyes told me I needed to watch it. "Yea, well everyone else ain't nine. And I don't want you watching it so that's that." He softened after a moment though. "Ain't nothing that you need to see sweetheart... Matter of fact. Sophia!" He called. She looked over and he beckoned her to his side. She looked at her mom but her mom just nodded and nudged her in the direction of Merle. Once she was there, Merle asked her to sit down facing him and not the scree. "You don't need to see it either."

After that we were all silent. I heard some gasps from the group and something about restaring the brain but I didn't really know what they were talking about. Thanks Merle.

After a brief conversation with the doctor the group split up and went back to their rooms. Miss Carol came over then and hugged Sophia to her.

"Thank you, Merle, for looking out for Sophia and having her sit with you. I am really happy she didn't see that."

"Ain't no problem, ma'am." He drawled out. I noticed something then, his eyes twinkled when he said 'ma'am' and her eyes sparkled when she heard it. They both just kind of stared at each other for a while and I didn't know why. After Merle and Carol were done acting weird we all went back to the main hallway to go to our rooms. I saw Daryl in front of us and ran to catch up. I always wanted to be by him after he had yelled at me, and he yelled at me a lot this morning. As soon as I was in front of him I tried to jump on his chest but he just pushed me off and rolled his eyes. He had always been weird about his upper body and his back but never with me. I grabbed onto his hand and he looked at me.

"Good Lord, I forgot how clingy you are after gettin' in trouble." He laughed but it made me blush. After he said that though he picked me up and swung me on his hip. I laid my head on his shoulder and was thinking about how comfortable I was until the air shut off and some of the lights went out.

The life of Nora dixon Where stories live. Discover now