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After awhile Daryl moved me off of his lap and more to the side of him. I layed my head on his arm and than a thought came to me.

"Hey Daryl?" I asked as I turned my body to him. He just grunted, a sign to carry on with my question. "Where's Merle?"

For the second time today I felt his body tense when I mentioned our oldest brother. He clenched his jaw tight and than turned his head to spit on the ground. When he faced me again I saw that his eyes held anger and sadness. He peirced his lips before he talked to me.

"You know the man that you saw with Miss Lori that was talkin' to me?" His voice was gruff but still soft. I simply nodded my head. "Well that's actually Carl's daddy and they picked him up when they made their run into the city. But you know how Merle is an' he was starting some stuff so they cuffed him, an' things happened and he got left so's I gotta go an' get 'im."

For the upteenth time this day tears pricked at my eyes and I prayed that the wetness would go away before Daryl saw them. What was I suposed to do though, I had just found out that my brother got left in a city where even I know the dead have taken over, and to top it off my only other living relative was going there. I knew Merle shouldna gone.

"Will you come back?" I finally choked out.

Daryl, my big brother, just looked at me before he nodded and gathered me back into his arms for a few more moments. Good moments. Than all to soon he patted my back and let go. He slid off of the tailgate to gather his stuff. I stayed by his side the entire time and everytime I would sniffle he would reach over and sqeeze my shoulder or pet my head. Even though he didn't always verbally say that he loved me I never doubted that he did. Daryl had his own kind of langauge that I had learned, he was quiet but I always knew what he was thinking or feeling. When he was done throwing his stuff in a pack and checking the weapons he started walking towards the van that they were taking to the city.

"Daryl," I started to say but was cut off by his glare. He already knew I was gonna ask if he really had to go, I guess Daryl knew my language to.

"This ain't up for dicussin', you stay in the tent while i'm gone. Ya hear?"

All I could do was nod because I really didn't want to get in more trouble.

"You stay in the tent and you listen to the adults if they tell you to do something. I'm under enough crap and I don't need to come back again to find out that my little sister smarted off and went missing." The way he said it was so harsh and I was taken back by the tone he was using. I knew how Daryl was when he was stressed but it still stung to hear him say those words... even if they were true.

He glanced at me for another moment and than he grabbed the back of my head and pulled me tight into his hard stomach, he scratched the back of my head slightly with his rough hand. When Daryl pulled me away he paused and his knuckle brushed my sunburnt cheek.

"Stay safe little missy."


I spent the day in the tent, like Daryl had said, but geez Louis it was boring. I tried to read one of the big books that Daryl had but I didn't understand half of the words. I colored with one of my few notebooks and half broken pencils and I thought of clever things to say to the kids in camp but nothing I did seem to really pass much time. My stomach was twisted in knots and no matter what, I couldn't keep my worst thoughts at bay. What if they didn't come back? Would I be an ophan? How long could I last without them? Finally after some time had passed and some tears had been leaked onto my sleeping bag I fell asleep, only to be awaken by nightmares and screaming.

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