Don’t be so hard on yourself, you weren’t ready. You couldn’t do anything.
If I had trained like I should have been then there would be less of a chance of Ty or me dying.
Well that’s what we have the rest of the day for. We will train till the moon rises. But until we get to the training grounds I will not leave your side again. I should have stayed with you before, this is also half my fault. I could have killed that shifter.
Azura it’s done with now, we just need to move on with our day and concentrate hard on the future.
Shall you ride me?
No, not until I get a saddle on you. It’s too hard to stay on your back as you fly.
Very well then, I shall walk next to you.
How about we run?
The training field is a good 10 kilometers from here.
Perfect. I started with a light pace and picked up my speed every so often. Azura ran next to me, well not really running. I now running at full force was her speed walking.
Concentrate on your surroundings, take deep breaths and let nature run through you. Let it help you.
What do you mean? My legs were starting to go rubbery on me but I wouldn’t give into the pain.
When I try to fly my fastest I concentrate on the wind patterns and let them help me. It’s like you become connected with nature and it wants so help you, push you past your limits. They heighten your normal abilities.
I took a deep breath and did what Azura told me to do. I concentrated on everything that was around me as I ran through the fields. Things started to brighten, and my body felt as if it became lighter. Now every time my foot hit the ground with each push it didn’t feel like I was hitting concrete but that I was running on top of smooth feathers. My breathing became easier to, like my lungs could take in ten times the amount of oxygen I normally could. Everything also looked like it slowed down around me and I could easily dodge anything that could harm me. I looked over at Azura and realized that she was now really running to keep up with me.
Don’t stop, keep moving. Remember speed and agility is things that are going to be heightened for you. Embrace what you are given now, don’t push it away.
I kept running and now we were at the training grounds. When I stopped ii wasn’t tiered like I thought I was going to be.
“Hey Alex, you coming for lunch?” Dave called out to me when he saw me.
“No, you go ahead. I’ll meet up with you later,” I called back out to him.
He gave me a worried nod then went into the food hall.

Legend of the Dragon Riders
FantasíaEvery one hundred years five guys all over the world are chosen between the ages of 17 and 21 to become dragon riders. They are chosen to rise above the dark five that try to wreak havoc and to destroy anything that is good in the world. The only th...