Chapter 10: Moving Out

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  Ian had lain awake most of that night as Mickey slept beside him. It wasn't out of choice, God knows he was far enough into his pregnancy that he would take any moment of rest he could get. No this time was because after he and Mick had fallen asleep he had relived the moment in the alley with Terry. He had woken shaking and covered in sweat, infinitely glad that he had been too frozen in fear then to actually  make a sound and wake his bed partner.

  The sleeplessness had given him time to think over their new position, the whole moving out thing and how they were gonna go about it. He knew for a fact that Fiona would freak if they told her their plan so they had to work around that, there was also Mandy to think about. His best friend would want to know why her father was back in prison and that they were the first to know, that or she would find out he'd attacked a pregnant guy and put two and two together. If there was anything that Ian had learnt over the years that his two Milkovichs were much smarter than they put across.


  By the time seven came Ian pulled himself out of bed needing to piss and still unable to get back to sleep. Huffing out his exhaustion, the redhead took a moment a moment to just sit and catch himself while sat on the edge of the bed. Looking back he watched Mickey sleeping for a moment, he looked so peaceful. He still couldn't believe that Mickey was there and that he was going to support their twins.

  His revelry was broken off however as one of the boys kicked his bladder causing him to grimace and clutch at his lower belly before pushing himself up. The house was silent at this point on a Saturday morning but as he left the bathroom finally relieved, he ran into Mandy. She sleepily smiled at him and leaned into his side, rubbing a hand over her eye.

  "How are you?" she asked.

  "Feel like a fucking zombie... um I need to uh- need to talk to you," Ian told her.

  "Oh- okay," she replied, letting herself get pulled along.

  Mercifully the kitchen was empty so Ian was able to just grab a glass of water- orange juice was too acidic and coffee had caffeine- before dropping down into the seat next to Mandy. Now that his bladder was empty he was able to gulp down the water to wet his dry throat although it was mostly just to stall.

  "So your dad's in prison and Mickey asked me to move into your place with him and I guess you have to know I mean I know you'd love to get out of this place," Ian told her without looking.

  "Mickey asked you to move in?" Mandy grinned.

  "Yeah, I mean we are living together already really," Ian replied looking up at her.

  "Suppose. What did my dad do this time anyway?" Mandy asked, great, The question.

  "Tried to cut the twins out of my belly," Ian told her quietly.

  "What the fuck!" Mandy hissed, "are you okay?"

  "Yeah I'm fine Mands don't worry, we're all three fine," Ian nodded, resting a comforting hand on her shoulder.

  "I'm gonna kill him, he can't... my fucking nieces, nephews or whatever the fuck..." Mandy growled, head in hands.

  "Nephews," Ian told her.

  "Two boys?" she asked looking up at him again.


  "For fucks sake," she huffed, Ian laughing.


  They didn't really tell Fiona, it was Mickey's idea and it was ingenious really. Of course Mandy just moved straight back out because she could, the two boys however did it gradually. Ian was coming closer and closer to the birth of the twins, just a month and a half by the time that they were sleeping pretty permanently at the Milkovich house.

  The two had started sleeping over at the other house maybe once a week, slowly building it up. By the time that they were living there no one actually missed them. The thrill of having gotten away with it with no rant from Fiona was amazing and every morning that Ian woke up in Mickey's bed next to his boyfriend only reinforced that.

  One downer was the sex. One reason that they had moved into the place was to have more privacy but after the first few times Ian had found he was just too sore. It was stupid because he was pregnant, he was meant to be hornier but it was just uncomfortable. The whole thing didn't even have anything to do with his preference as a top cause bottoming was good too, just not now. The first time that he realised this wasn't going to be very good until after the babies he had just lain there and taken it, enjoying Mickey getting off on him. Mickey hadn't noticed that time but the second time when Ian squirmed uncomfortably he'd sure noticed.

  He'd been furious at Ian for trying to hide it but Ian had placated him with kisses and everything sorted itself out in the end.

  It was about two weeks after they had first slept over at the house and since the incident that Mickey, Ian and Svetlana met up. Mickey was wary of the woman but they kind of struck a cord, so much so that when Mickey found out she was living in a whore house he asked her to move in. Svetlana proved to be useful around the house as well, not working at that time she actually cleaned up the place, working with Ian to turn Joey's old room into a nursery for all three of the babies to come.


  Mornings were his favourite now. Being so heavily pregnant he wasn't going into school anymore but taking online classes, something that Mandy had joined him in. It meant that he didn't have to get up to actually go to school and so could instead pull his heavy body up in his own time. He was able to wake up with the sun on his face and Mickey's arms around him, the older boy taking to being the big spoon and who would have thought; Mickey Milkovich was a cuddler.

  That morning though Mickey wasn't there when he woke. Instead there was the smell of bacon cooking and the gentle clatter of pans. That certainly spurned him to pull himself up quicker and make his way out to the kitchen. There was Svetlana sat working out the bills and Mandy smiling at something on her phone while Mickey stood at the stove. As soon as he realised Ian was there, Mickey looked around and smiled before coming over and pecking him on the lips.

  This was his life now and it was good. 

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