Chapter 13: Facing the Family

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  They all left the hospital three hours after the twins had been born and everything had been sorted- Ian having had a much needed shower and hospital sandwich. The hospital had also given them two bottles of formula milk so that the twins could have their first meal seeing as Ian couldn't produce milk of his own. They had advised for Ian to stay longer but he had insisted that he would be fine with all his loved ones around to take care of him- the real reason was fear of growing hospital bills.

  Ian had leaned against Mickey while carrying Ronan, who was crying, Mandy held Alex who was not. The journey home had been a struggle as Ian tried to keep awake and hold his new one of his new sons close but his eyes kept falling shut and eventually Mickey took the boy while Ian used his shoulder as a pillow.

  As soon as they got home, the twins were passed to the new fathers who took them to the nursery, placing them in two of the three cribs. All four of them looked down in awed silence at the babies, watching as the gurgled and snuffled. Ronan fell asleep before his brother which Ian was convinced was because of all his bellyaching at the hospital.

  He couldn't watch long though because he would drop down unconscious on the floor before long if he didn't get to bed soon. Mickey seemed to notice that as Ian leaned heavily against the railings of Alex's crib. The brunette slung an arm around Ian's waist and pressed a kiss to his temple, the younger leaning into the touches, folding into the warmth and familiarity.

  "Off to bed then Ian," he said, glancing back down at the sleeping baby.

  "Night, or early morning then Ian. Well done, they're so beautiful that I don't even care that they're both boys," Mandy smiled making Ian grin.

"Night Orange Boy, you do good with twins. I can only hope my son is as pretty," Svet smiled, kissing him lightly on the cheek.

  Mickey pulled him away then, Ian glancing over his shoulder one last time at his sleeping boys, loathe to part with them. But Mickey just pulled him along and soon they were falling into bed. They were facing each other and Mickey began to run his hand over Ian's now only slightly bloated belly but Ian flinched away. It hurt but then again that was hardly surprising.

  "You okay?" Mickey asked, withdrawing his hand instantly.

  "Yeah just sore," Ian smiled reassuringly, reaching out and cupping his cheek. Mickey reached up and wound his fingers through Ian's.

  That's how they fell asleep, face to face but not touching but for their hands. That is until a few hours later when one boy started screaming and the other followed suit. So it began...


  They visited sometimes, his family, the Gallaghers, and more often the later on in the pregnancy that he got. The whole lot would congregate and come together bar Lip who was usually in college. That day however Lip was there with them so that all five of his siblings, V and Kev came through the door. By that point Mickey had gone off to the nightclub to check in as he had promised after he had skipped out early the night before, Mandy was at work and Svetlana had gone off wherever she normally went. All in all it was just Ian alone to face them in zombie form.

  He was sat at the kitchen table when they entered enjoying his third coffee in the eight months before he found out he was pregnant. Third because he fucking needed the caffeine and it was nearly evening so he thought three was decent. After so long without it his body was even more receptive which was great. However he still wasn't in the condition to face his entire family right now.

  "Hey Ian," Fiona greeted, the first that he heard of them so making him jump.

  "You okay Ian, you look terrible. No offence," V spoke up.

  "Thanks V, I feel it," Ian smiled tiredly up at her.

  "Holy shit Ian! Your stomach!" Lip exclaimed then, pointing at said part of the redhead's anatomy.

  "Wait you had them? Fuck Ian why didn't you say?" Fiona practically screeched, the sound going right through Ian and making his head throb.

  "Yeah, early this morning but I didn't say cause I was kind of preoccupied," Ian replied wearily.

  "Can we see them?" Debbie asked.

  "Sure," Ian replied, pushing himself up with some difficulty.

  "Shit man it's weird seeing you now without that huge fucking belly," Kev commented.

  "Trust me I feel as light as a feather," Ian replied with a smile.

  He led his family to the nursery where the twins were actually sleeping. Ian was hesitant to wake them up after struggling so much to get them to actually go down so he turned and put a finger to his lips, receiving silent nods in return.

  The group dispersed around the two cribs and looked down at the babies. There was quiet exclamations and whispered praise while Ian leaned against the doorway watching with a small smile. He was proud of his boys and he loved them being cooed over, they deserved it. They had a large family that was all going to look after them and love them like Mickey, Mandy and Svetlana never had. Mickey and Ian were going to be the best damn dads in the south side for them.

  "What are their names?" Fiona asked quietly after a moment.

  "This one," he pointed at the crib closest to him and the door," Is Alex Carl Milkovich-Gallagher and the other is Ronan Iggy Milkovich-Gallagher."

  "You used my middle name for your kid?" Lip asked astonished.

  "Yeah man, you were the one that got me through the first few months, my big brother," Ian smiled back, loving just how gobsmacked the older Gallagher looked.

  "And used my name as a middle name?" Carl smiled.

  "Yeah man. Got you and Iggy to balance things," Ian told him.

  "What's Alex then?" Kev spoke up.

  "Aleksandr is Mickey's middle name."

  "They're amazing Ian," Debbie said, grinning down at Ronan.

  "Which ones older?" Carl asked, a tad too loud, earning him a series of "quiets" and "shut ups".

  "Alex by eight minutes."

  "Do you have a favourite?" Carl asked, this time quieter.

  "No," Ian replied firmly, crossing his arms.


  Mercifully Fiona said that they should leave him too it. Ian was so clad, hugging each of them and receiving congratulations before bidding them farewell. As soon as they were gone Ian collapsed onto the couch, caffeine or not he needed some shut eye before his boys woke up again.

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