Part 1

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London, U.K

London is called the city of dreams, and a lot of Indians come here to fulfill their dreams. Some settle down here, while some go back to India after fulfilling their dreams.

A girl in her 20s is packing her suitcases. She came here for her higher studies. She wanted to fulfill her dreams, or should we say her family's dreams, of becoming a reputed doctor. Now that she has fulfilled it, she is returning to India to her family. She is our main protagonist, Nandini.

Nandini's phone started ringing and she took the call. It was from her friend, Arya.

Arya : "I am going to the mall. Do you have to do any last minute shopping?"

Nandini : "No, I don't. I bought everything when we went last time."

Arya : "I should have known. You are Miss Perfectionist and you don't leave anything for the last minute. See you tomorrow then. I will pick you up and we will go to the airport together."

Nandini met Arya at the airport on the first day she came to London. She was hesitant to talk to Arya when he introduced himself. A few days later, she met him again at her college and Arya turned out to be her senior.

Arya is a citizen of London, but his parents are of Indian origin. Nandini tried to stay away from him as he was a stranger to her, but Arya didn't let her be. It didn't take long for Arya to become friends with Nandini because of his jovial nature, and since then, he has always been there for Nandini.

Malhotra mansion, Mumbai, India

The Malhotra mansion speaks richness, and it is the residence of the Malhotra family, who owns a chain of hospitals in the city. You can say that theirs is a doctors family, meaning that everyone in the family is a doctor.

In a lavish bedroom, you can see a tall, young and handsome man still sleeping. He has a smile on his face, probably he is having a beautiful dream. All the adults in the family are early risers, except for him. He is our other main protagonist, Manik.

Manik woke up and got ready quickly. He was ready to rush out when a voice stopped him.

Alya : "Manik, come and have your breakfast."

Manik : "Alya, I am already running late. I will skip my breakfast today."

Alya : "I can't let you go without having your breakfast. If mom comes to know, she will be mad at me. How can you be so careless being a doctor yourself? Why can't you wake up a little early?"

Manik : "You know how much I like my morning sleep."

Alya : "Yes, I do, and I know the reason behind it too."

Manik and Alya heard the baby crying.

Manik : "Princess is calling for you, go and take care of her. I will take my breakfast and have it on my way."

Alya went to attend her daughter and Manik left to the hospital.

Alya is also a doctor, and she has been working at one of the Malhotra hospitals from the time she stepped into Malhotra family, as their daughter-in-law. She started staying at home after her daughter was born.

Alya's mother-in-law, Nyonika takes care of the entire family though she is a busy doctor. Alya steps in Nyonika's shoes only when Nyonika isn't around. Today is one such day when Nyonika had to leave early.

Mumbai International Airport

Nandini and Arya's flight landed at the Mumbai International Airport. Nandini remembered the time when she had first stepped into the city. She had travelled alone for the first time, and it was also her first time flying. She had received a scholarship to study in one of the prestigious medical colleges in Mumbai.


It was Nandini's parents' death anniversary. She lost her parents in an accident when she was little. After all the rituals, Nandini went to her room to finish her packing.

Amms (Nandini's grandmother) : "All the best, dear! Fulfill your dad's dreams and become a successful doctor. Concentrate and study well. All our blessings are with you."

Chachi (Nandini's aunt) : "Mumbai is a big city unlike ours, so be careful and stay away from strangers."

Amms : "Yes Nandu. You are too innocent and people may try to take advantage of it, so be careful, like Chachi said."

Chachi : "Don't take anything from anyone at the airport. It is better if you don't talk to anyone for that matter. Chacha's friend will guide you inside the airport. Navya said that she will pick you up from the airport."

Nandini's Chacha (uncle) was busy at that time, so he couldn't go with Nandini to Mumbai. He had booked a flight ticket for Nandini so that she doesn't have to travel alone for long. Also, he had asked his friend to help Nandini get to the flight.

At the airport,

Chacha : "Study well. If you need anything, let me know, don't hesitate. Take care. All the best and happy journey!"

Nandini had lost her parents, but she had a very loving and caring family. Chacha and Chachi took care of her like their own daughter.

Nandini kept to herself throughout the flight. When she reached the Mumbai airport, she collected her suitcase. She was trying to figure out how to exit the airport when she bumped into someone. She didn't even see who it was.

Nandini : "I am sorry."

Without even giving a chance for the other person to speak, she started to move from there muttering to herself.

Nandini : "Don't speak to strangers. Both Chachi and Amms have warned you about it. Hope I find Navvu soon!"

Nandini hadn't realized it then, but she came to know later that the person she had bumped into, was the same person she fell in love with later.

Flashback ends....

Mumbai wasn't only the place where she got her medical degree. It was also the place where she met him, her first love. It was also the city where she let go of her love before it could bloom into a very beautiful relationship.

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