Part 5

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Flashback contd...

The participants gathered for the dance, and the music began to play.

Manik : "Hi, I am Manik."

Nandini : "I am Nandini."

Manik forwarded his hand for the dance and Nandini placed her hand in his, still hesitating. Manik felt that her hand was shivering.

Manik : "Are you nervous?"

Nandini : "Yes, a little. I have never danced with a guy before. My friend forced me into it."

Manik : "Relax, I will make sure you won't feel uncomfortable dancing with me."

Manik and Nandini continued to dance. 

Nandini : The other day you saved me from getting ragged on. Thank you!"

Manik : "You are welcome!"

During their conversation, Nandini came to know that Manik was also a fresher like her.

Nandini : "I thought you are my senior. How did he listen to you and let me go then?"

Manik : "We are family friends."

Since the time Manik met Nandini, he had the urge to protect her and keep her away from trouble however small it was. He himself didn't know the reason for that. Manik sensed that Nandini was nervous, so he exchanged the numbers with Cabir. If Manik would have explained the actual reason to Cabir, Cabir would have come to the conclusion that Manik has fallen in love with Nandini, which wasn't really the case. However, Manik had a soft corner for Nandini.

Days passed by. Nandini was grateful to Manik since he had helped her twice. Nandini used to greet him whenever she came across him and he would do the same.

There was a music competition. Nandini was interested in music and she participated in the preliminary rounds. Manik was also a participant. After the solo round, they had to pair up and perform.

Manik : "Did you find a partner?"

Nandini: "Not yet."

Manik : "We can form a pair if you are okay with it."

Nandini : "You sing rock music and I sing classical, how are we going to perform together?"

Manik : "We can try a rock and classical fusion."

Nandini agreed. They practiced together and the judges liked their performance. Manik and Nandini performed the fusion on stage a few days later. This event brought them a little more closer. 

The first year came to an end.

It was the first day of the second year. In one of the classes, the professor announced,

Professor : "I have chits with all your names in this jar. I will pick two chits at a time and select the partners, with whom you will work together for rest of my classes."

Student 1 : "Can't we choose our partners, Sir?"

Professor didn't give the option of choosing their partners and started with the selection process.

Nandini's thoughts : "There are very few girls in this class. Ayyappa (God), please make sure I get a girl as my partner."

Professor continued with the selection process and it was Nandini's turn.

Professor : "Nandini Murthy and..."

Professor was opening the other chit and Nandini was praying to her Ayyappa.

Professor : "Manik Malhotra."

Though Nandini's wish wasn't fulfilled, she was relieved hearing Manik's name. Manik hadn't come to college that day, so Nandini didn't know that he was in her class till the professor read out his name.

Next time, when Nandini met Manik,

Nandini : "I am glad that you are my partner. When the professor was picking up the chits, I was praying that my partner should be a girl...."

Manik : "What? Don't I look like a guy to you?"

Nandini : "When did I say that? I was hoping that it will be a girl, because I am not comfortable working with guys. I didn't know you were in the same class till the professor read out your name."

Manik : "So, does that mean that you won't feel uncomfortable working with me?"

Nandini : "Why will I, you have always been my savior?"

One day, at the canteen, Nandini crossed Harshad's path.

Harshad : "Hey beautiful!"

Nandini had heard about Harshad, so she moved away from him quickly. She went and sat at a table. Navya hadn't come to college that day. Harshad was looking for his new prey and he followed Nandini to her table. Meanwhile, Manik saw this and rushed to Nandini's table. Before Harshad could proceed further,

Manik : "Are you sitting alone?"

Nandini : "Yes."

Manik : "Why don't you come and join us?"

Nandini joined Manik, and he introduced her to Cabir.

Manik : "Maybe you wanted to sit alone, but I interfered. I saw Harshad, that's the reason I asked you to join us. He isn't a good guy, so stay away from him."

Nandini : "Thanks, I will."

When Harshad met Manik,

Harshad : "Why do you always come to her rescue? Who is she to you?"

Manik : "She is my friend. Knowing your nature how can I let you go near her. It is my duty to protect her as a friend."

Manik : "Stay away from her. Don't try your tricks on her and try to trap her. I shouldn't see you anywhere near her."

Their conversation was overheard by Nandini.

Once, it was late in the evening, when Manik and Nandini finished their project work.

Manik : "Let me drop you off to your hostel."

Nandini : "I will manage. It is near by, I will go by walk."

Manik : "Okay, I will join you then, if you don't have any objections."

Nandini agreed. Manik continued to do the same whenever they had to stay back late. They became good friends soon. Manik was always there for Nandini when needed.

Days passed by. When girls at Nandini's hostel discussed about their partners, and described as to how their partners cared for them, the only person who would come to Nandini's mind was Manik. Nandini would immediately shake those thoughts off and she would convince herself that it was only friendship between them, and nothing more. She also thought that Manik considered her only as a friend.

It was vacation time, and Nandini was missing Manik a lot. She was waiting to get a glimpse of him when the college reopened. She wasn't planning to tell Manik as to how she felt from him. Manik saw Nandini and came to her.

Manik : "Can we meet after college today?"

Nandini agreed and met Manik at the place they had decided.

Manik : "Nandu, I have something to tell you. I don't know how you are going to take it, but I have to tell you how I feel. From the time I met you, I had this urge to protect you. I didn't know why. I liked your company and we became good friends too. I missed you a lot during our vacation. I have been thinking about you all the time, and I couldn't wait to see you. I realized that you are not just a friend to me anymore, you are much more than that. I love you!"

Nandini's situation was similar to Manik's and she accepted his love. She also confessed her feelings for him.

Flashback continues....

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