Part 3

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Nandini and Arya reached Nandini's college to attend the reunion.

Nandini stood at the entrance of the college and reminisced about the first day, when she and Navya had come to the college. This college was very huge compared to the college in their city. After seeing the large number of students entering the college, Nandini had felt that she would get lost in that crowd. She would have still been standing at the entrance and reminiscing the past if not for Arya.

Arya : "Come, let's go inside. You are behaving as though it's my college reunion, and you are accompanying me."

Nandini saw Navya at a distance, but she didn't go ahead and meet her. Navya was talking to someone else.

Arya : "You can go ahead and meet your friends. I will not interfere. I will be somewhere around if you need me. You don't have to worry about me, I will get adjusted anywhere."

Arya left Nandini and went away from her, but he still kept a watch on her. It was his responsibility to take care of her and drop her off home safely after the reunion.

Nandini started thinking about Navya's past.


Nandini and Navya joined the college hostel, and they got to share the same room too. Their first year went by fine, but by the end of second year, trouble had started brewing in Navya's life. Navya hadn't realized it then, though.

Their senior, Harshad was a playboy. Navya was attracted to him, but she was aware of Harshad's nature, so she stayed away from him. Navya was with a group of friends when Harshad's topic came up. They were all sharing their opinion about him.

Navya : "I have heard that he is a playboy. He changes girls like he changes clothes, so I will stay as far away as possible from him."

Navya didn't know that this statement of hers will destroy her life. Harshad and his friend who were passing by heard her.

Harshad's friend : "This girl is definitely not going to fall into your trap."

Harshad : "There is no girl in this college who can escape from my trap. No one can resist my charm."

Harshad's friend : "I can bet that she won't fall into your trap."

Harshad: "A bet it is then. In a few months time, she will be in my bed."

Harshad didn't approach any girls for sometime. Later, he started following Navya every where she went, but Navya stayed away from him.

Harshad : "Navya, why do you keep running away from me? I know you have a bad impression about me. I don't deny it. But from the time I have seen you, I think only about you. I dream only about you. I love you!"

Navya : "I am here to study, not to fall in love. I don't believe you, you might have told the same dialogue to many other girls before me, and they would have fallen for that, but I am not going to fall for it."

Navya left the place. Harshad came up with a different approach. He sent a letter to Navya saying that he will commit suicide, if she doesn't accept him, and Navya will be responsible for his death. Navya tried to ignore it, but couldn't. She went to the place that Harshad had mentioned in the letter. He was pretending as though he was ready to jump from the terrace of the building.

Navya : "Stop Harshad. Get down from there."

Harshad : "I won't till you accept me."

Navya was in a dilemma, so she didn't respond.

Harshad : "There is no point in me living, when you aren't ready to accept me. Only if you had given me a chance, I would have showed you how much I love you. Hope my death will prove my love to you."

Harshad stepped forward to jump, but Navya stopped him.

Navya : "Please don't jump. I accept your love for me."

Navya fell into Harshad's trap. She thought that Harshad had really changed after meeting her. Harshad couldn't continue with his plan since it was time for vacation.

A few days after the college reopened, Harshad continued with his plan. Navya tried to move away when Harshad tried to kiss her.

Harshad : "You still don't trust me, do you? I was ready to give up my life for you, but you aren't willing to....  "

Navya : "I do trust you."

Navya didn't want to upset Harshad, so she gave in. In a similar fashion, Harshad managed to trap Navya completely, and she ended up in his bed. Navya was so lost in Harshad that she didn't think of the consequences. Harshad began to ignore Navya and started distancing from her soon after.

Navya : "Why are you ignoring me? I did everything you asked me to do. I even lost my virginity to you. Now, you are behaving as though you don't even know me."

Harshad : "You were of interest to me only till you reached my bed. Now that that's done, we are done as well. So, stop following me around."

Navya : "What? You said you loved me and you were ready to give up your life for me. Your love came to an end .."

Harshad : "I never loved you. I put up an act to convince you, and you fell for it. It was all part of a bet, and I won."

Navya tried to move on and concentrate on her studies, but it was just the beginning of her miseries. She came to know that she was pregnant, so she approached Harshad again, but Harshad wasn't ready to take any responsibility. Though that meeting didn't help her in any way, the news of her pregnancy spread across very fast. Navya was asked to leave the college hostel.

Navya didn't want to abort her child. She also knew that her parents won't accept her, if they come to know about her pregnancy. So, she tried to commit suicide, but Nandini saved her just in time.

Navya : "You warned me against Harshad, but I was so smitten by him that I didn't pay heed to your advice. What will I do now, Nandu? My parents will abandon me if they come to know about it. You shouldn't have saved me."

Nandini : "Ending your life is not the solution to your problem. I don't know what we can do now, but we will figure out a way."

Mukti was another victim of Harshad, but she was in a better position when compared to Navya. She was rich and she didn't end up getting pregnant like Navya. Mukti came to Navya's rescue. She was staying alone in an apartment and she let Navya stay with her. Mukti was ready to bear Navya's expenses too, but Navya didn't want to be a burden on Mukti.

Navya stayed with Mukti, but found a part time job to meet her expenses. She didn't inform about her pregnancy at home. She knew her parents would abandon her when they come to know about it. That is what happened later, but she managed to complete her education.

Flashback ends

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