Part 7

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Flashback continues....

Nandini met Manik after she returned from her hometown.

During their conversation,

Nandini : "I don't want to continue with this relationship any longer. I want to break up with you."

Nandini's words came as a shock to Manik. He hadn't expected that such a situation would arise.

Manik : "Why do you want to break up? Did I do something to upset you?"

Nandini : "It's not you, it's me. I can't continue with this relationship."

Manik : "Tell me what is the problem, we can sort it out together."

Nandini : "Do you remember, you gave me a blank gift once? I want to use it now. I want to breakup with you. Don't ask me why because I can't give you the reason. I want you to stay away from me."

Manik : "This matter concerns both of us, and it will affect both our lives. How can you take such a big decision on your own, without discussing with me?"

Nandu : "Does that mean that you are going to go back on your words?"

Manik was ready to give up his life for her, but Nandini had asked him much more than that. How is he going to live if he has to stay away from her, when he loves her more than his life?

Manik didn't have a choice. He gave in because he couldn't go back on his words. Nandini left the place and walked away. Tears were flowing from her eyes uncontrollably. She stood at a distance, away from Manik, in such a way that he couldn't see her. She stayed there and watched Manik till he left. It was hard for her to break up with him, but it was even more harder for her to see Manik breakdown.

Nandini (to herself): "I am sorry, Manik. I felt this is the right thing to do. I hope you will move on soon."

After that day, Manik stayed away from Nandini.  Nandini saw that Manik was depressed for a few days, but he got back to normal soon. Nandini was a little relieved after seeing him normal. She used to see Manik at a distance, but she never approached him. Nandini concentrated on her studies because she wanted to fulfill her family's dream. She also took up a part time job so that she could support her family.

In their final year, Alya and Manik were seen together several times. Alya was also studying in their college. There were rumors that Alya and Manik were a pair now since someone had overheard Alya telling that she will be Malhotra's daughter-in-law soon. In the past, Manik had introduced Alya to Nandini and mentioned that she is a family friend. Nandini didn't know anything more about Alya.

Nandini came to the conclusion that Manik had moved on. Nandini felt sad when she saw Manik with Alya , but she tried to suppress her feelings. She thought that whatever had happened was good for Manik's well-being. After that Nandini stopped worrying about Manik and tried to immerse herself in her studies.

Nandini topped her studies and got a scholarship to study further in London. She took the opportunity and went to London.

Flashback ends

Nandini came out of her thoughts and composed herself. Arya had been watching Nandini, but he let her be. When she didn't seem to come back to the venue, Arya came to call her.

Arya : "What are you doing here? Reunion is happening there, not here. Did you come here to attend the reunion or spend time alone? Come, let's go. The events are going to start soon."

Nandini went back to the venue of the reunion with Arya. After a few events, it was Manik's turn to sing a song.

Manik started singing the same song he sang on Nandini's birthday. At first, Nandini felt that it was for her since she saw him seeing in her direction. Later, she realized that it can't be for her, it is for Alya. Alya was right behind Nandini, and she was chatting with her friends. 

Nandini's thoughts : "I was crazy to think that it was for me. Why will he sing it for me, after what I did to him? There is no place for me in his life. If at all he still feels anything for me, it will be hatred, nothing else."

Nandini's thoughts : "I wanted him to move on and he did. They both are happy and I should be happy for him. But I feel as though my heart has been shattered into so many pieces that I won't be able to put them back together ever again. I anticipated this all along, but still I can't bear to see him with someone else."

Nandini decided to leave the place immediately because she didn't want to breakdown there. Nandini looked for Arya.

Nandini : "Arya, let's go home."

Arya : "The party is still going on, then why do you want to leave?"

Nandini : "Please don't ask me for a reason. I want to go home, please!"

Arya : "Okay, can you wait for a few minutes? I will inform my cousin that we are leaving and come back."

Nandini : "Okay. I will be waiting at the fountain, near the main gate. Come soon."

Nandini didn't even bother to figure out who Arya's cousin was. She wasn't in a position to think anything else.

Nandini left from there. She had been trying to control herself all this time. She found a lonely place and burst into tears. After a while, she wiped her tears and composed herself. Nandini went and sat on a bench that was beside the fountain. 

Nandini was expecting Arya, but she saw Manik coming in that direction. She didn't want to meet him because she didn't know how to face him.

Manik came and sat on the same bench that Nandini was sitting.

Manik  : "How are you?"

Nandini : "Fine. How about you?"

Manik : "Fine. Congrats! I came to know you fulfilled your dreams. Your family would be proud of you."

Nandini : "Thanks! Yes, they are."

Nandini : "You might have joined one of the hospitals owned by your family."

Manik : "Yes, I did."

Nandini : "How is your family?"

Nandini asked the question keeping Alya in mind, but Manik thought that she was talking about his entire family.

Manik : "They are all doing good. We have two new members in our family. The first one is Alya, you know her right? The second one is our little princess. She is too little, otherwise we would have got her here."

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