Part 6

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Flashback contd...

Days were passing by. Manik and Nandini were spending a lot of time together, and their bond was growing stronger. They were discussing about their families and their dreams. 

Nandini : "You are the trustee's son?!"

Manik nodded indicating an yes. 

Nandini knew that the trustee owned many hospitals in the city, but Manik was down to earth, so Nandini didn't have a clue that Manik belonged to such a wealthy family.

Nandini : "You belong to such a wealthy family, but I don't. Why did you become friends with me? How did you fall in love with me? You would have found someone much better than me."

Manik : "Do I look different from other human beings? Do I have some special features because I am wealthy?"

Nandini nodded indicating a no.

Manik : "Then why are you asking me such a question? I am a normal human being like you. You don't make friends or fall in love, after checking if someone fulfills certain criteria. It just happens, it happened to me in the same way it happened to you. If you make friends or fall in love only if they match your criteria, then it isn't true friendship or love."

A few days later, Manik and Nandini informed their close friends about their relationship.

Cabir : "Manik had a soft corner for you from the time he saw you, but it took him so long to realize that he loves you."

Nandini : "The first time he saw me.. was when he saved me from being ragged on."

Cabir : "That wasn't the first time. We saw you at the airport on the day you came to this city."

Manik : "Do you remember, you bumped into someone at the airport, that was me."

Manik wasn't planning to tell everything in detail, but Cabir gave a full description of what had happened on that day. Manik also told her about their second meeting.

One day,

Manik : "Can I kiss you?"

Nandini was from a conservative family and had her own inhibitions, but she agreed and closed her eyes when Manik came closer to her. Manik could feel that she wasn't ready from her body language.

Manik : "Nandu, open your eyes."

He made her sit and held her hands.

Manik : "Why did you agree when you aren't ready for it?"

Nandu: "I thought you will be angry at me or think that I don't trust you enough if I denied."

Nandini had heard from her hostel mates that their boyfriends would get angry with them or think that they didn't trust them enough if the girl didn't agree for the kiss.

Manik : "We were friends before we became lovers. You can tell me if you aren't comfortable with anything. You don't have to hesitate. Neither will I force you nor will I be angry at you. I know that you trust me, otherwise you wouldn't have been ready to go out anywhere with me."

It was the day before Nandini's birthday. Manik had prepared a song to sing for her on her birthday. He was practicing the tune on his guitar whenever he got some time. Manik wanted it to be perfect when he would sing it for Nandini, but to his bad luck, Nandini came to him when he was practicing and he stopped.

Nandini : "Why did you stop? It is such a nice tune. Please continue."

Manik hesitated, he didn't know what to do.

Nandini : "Please.. please play the tune."

Manik couldn't deny, so he played the tune for her.

It was Nandini's birthday.

Manik : "What can I get for you? What do you like the most?"

Nandini : "I don't want anything. I already have what I want -You!"

Manik : "Actually, I prepared a song for you, but you heard me practicing it and I played the tune for you already."

Nandini : "I heard the tune, but not the song. You can sing it for me now."

Manik sang the song while playing the guitar.

Nandini : "Thank you! That was so awesome."

Manik : "My gift wasn't a complete surprise for you, so I want to give you something more. What can I get for you?"

Nandini : "That's okay. You took so much effort to compose a song for me, that is commendable. I don't need anything else."

Manik thought for a while.

Manik : "I have an idea. I will give you a blank gift."

Nandini: "What is that?"

Manik : "You can take how much ever time you want to think, and tell me what you want. I will give it you, irrespective of what it is."

Nandini : "Anything I ask for? Are you sure?"

Manik : "I won't go back on my words. Do you think I composed the song without actually meaning it? I don't want to die, I want to live with you, but I won't hesitate even if I have to give up my life for you. There isn't anything beyond that that you can ask for."

Nandini : "Don't ever talk about giving up your life. You think I will be able to bear it if something happens to you, I won't be able to live without you."

Manik didn't know that his idea of a blank gift would cost him a lot very soon.

Days were passing by. Nandini considered herself lucky to have a loving and caring partner like Manik.

It was Manik's birthday.

Nandini : "Close your eyes."

Manik : "Why?"

Nandini : "You will come to know soon."

Manik closed his eyes. Nandini pecked both his cheeks. Manik was surprised, he didn't expect such a bold move from her so soon.

Manik : "Wow! What a surprise!"

Manik : "When did you become so bold?"

Nandini : "It's your birthday. I didn't know what to give you, you have everything. So I thought.. I thought.."

Manik : "Thank you! This was my best birthday gift ever."

Manik : "Does that mean that I have the permission to kiss you too?"

Nandini : "Yes."

Manik knew it was a big step from her side. He didn't want Nandini to feel uncomfortable, so he just pecked on her cheeks.

They didn't know that this would be there last happy moment together.

Next day, Nandini got a call from her grandmother and Nandini had to rush to her hometown. Her uncle had suffered a heart attack. After analyzing the situation and thinking a lot, Nandini came to the conclusion that she has to breakup with Manik. She felt that that would be the right thing to do for both herself and Manik.

Flashback continues...

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