Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

When I arrived at the common room, I heaved a sigh of relief. Filch hadn't caught me. Everyone got very quiet when I made it into the room. I hated the attention. I walked over to the corner farthest from the fire and sat down. I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing that I remember was something shaking me awake. It looked like it was Lucius Malfoy. I tried to back up, but I was in the corner. I started apologizing. "What are you talking about? It's me, Draco. Ivy, you should go to sleep in your bed. It can't be that comfortable here. Go on, it is very late." I gave him a quick smile, then hurried off to my dorm. The other three girls were sound asleep, so they didn't notice.

I tried to sleep, but it just didn't feel right. I finally slept under the bed. I awoke to shouting. I pressed in closer to the wall, because yelling meant that someone was mad. And that was never good. It took me a while to realize that the voices were worried, not mad.  I crawled out from under the bed, grinning sheepishly. "Morning. I hope." They all turned to me, relieved. Lizzy smiled. "Yup, still morning. You missed breakfast though. Time to go to class, alright?" I nod. 

Missing breakfast was fine for me, so I hurried to my class, which was Charms. We learned a simple spell to make things float. Wingardium Leviosa. Everyone was very excited to meet the Gryffindor boy, who's name, I learned, is Harry Potter. 

After Charms, we had lunch. It was still very good. Then I had a free hour. I wandered for a while, then I went down to the dungeons. I stopped outside of the Potions classroom, but then I remembered that Professor Snape was in there. I pushed open the door. I was terrified, but I wanted to learn. So I went in. He didn't even look up from where he was making a potion. It took him a while to finish the potion, but he finally did. 

"What do you want?" I took a deep breath. "I want to learn to make more potions, sir. I want to be better than the Mudblood Granger. Please sir, can you teach me?" He almost smiled. "I could, but I won't. Now get out." I was upset, but I had thought that he would say that. So I nodded politely, and left.

I wandered outside and found a group of fifth-year Gryffindors picking on another Slytherin. I went up to them and asked, "What are you doing?" The biggest in the group turned around. "What's it look like, snake?" "It looks like you are bullying one of my housemates. Why not me instead?" He smirked. "Alright." He laughed. The rest of them turned and started advancing towards me. I drew my wand, and got ready to fight. It didn't last very long, They had learned not to pick on a Slytherin when I was around. 

I hoped that none of the teachers had seen us fight. I looked around. And I saw Professor McGonagall. I knew that she had seen me. Well, I'm doomed.

I went up to her. "What were you doing?" I look at the ground. "I'm s- I saw them picking on my housemate, and I had to do something. I am s-..." She smiled. "Sorry, I know. Don't worry, Professor Snape isn't here to get mad at you for apologizing. However, I must still punish you for looking for a fight. 10 points from Slytherin, as well as 10 points from Gryffindor for bullying. You should probably head inside now." The Head of Gryffindor just took points from her own house!

I followed her advice and hurried inside. I had no idea what to do, so I went to the common room. The seventh-year that I beat last night was the only other student there. I felt bad, but I couldn't do anything. I avoided him and went to my corner. He came over. "Hey, good job last night. That was impressive." "Thanks. I guess. Sorry if I hurt you. I know that it hurts. I hope that you are feeling fine now." He smiled down at me. "I am feeling better. You do know what Professor Snape says about saying sorry, right?" I looked down. "Yes, I do. All to well. 'Slytherins don't say sorry. That is what Gryffindors say.' He’s told me." He chuckled. "Nice impersonation of Snape." 


"Do you want to come sit by the fire? It's cold over here. Come on." He pulled me up and led me over to the same chair that I sat in last night. I sat down, relishing the warmth. I know that somehow, probably the Gryffindors, Snape would find out that I had another fight today. Even Dumbledore can't keep me safe forever. He will be forced to expel me at this rate. Snape will be happy, but very disappointed about that.

Salazar came out of hiding and curled up on my lap. "What's that!" He asked, shocked. I laughed. "It's my snake, obviously. What else would it be?" He laughed nervously. "I don't know, but that wasn't what I meant. I meant, why is there a snake here?!" I laughed again. "Salazar is my friend. Why would he not be here?" I asked. "You do realize that a snake is not on the list, right. It plainly says that you can have an owl, toad, rat, or a cat. Not a snake." "So?" He sighed. "So, you had better keep him away from the teachers. What did you say his name was?" I smiled. "Salazar. After the founder of Slytherin. And I had him before I came to Hogwarts." "Do you mind if I ask you some questions?" My smile faded. "If I don't want to, then I won't, alright." He grinned. "Great. First question: Why do you stink so bad?"

I felt my face turn red, but I answered him. "Because I lived on the streets for a month before I came here." 


"Because I couldn't stay at my house any longer." 

"Where was that?"

 "Spinner's End." 

"Which is where?" 

"Professor Snape's house." 

"You lived with Professor Snape!?" 

"Yes, I did. I ran away, and that is why he hates me. I think that he might be a little scared too, that I will tell people." 

"Tell people what?"

"I can't answer that question." 

"Did he abuse you?"

"I can't answer that question."

"So, yes."

I paled. "You can't tell anyone that!"

"Relax, your secret's safe with me."

"No, I can't trust you. I don't even know your name."


"Well, I'm sorry, Tom." I pointed my wand at him, and before he could react, I muttered a spell. "Oliviate!"

I hurried from the common room. Professor Snape was standing right outside. I almost ran into him. "S-I..." I couldn't think of what to say. "I was looking for you. Come with me." He grabbed me by my arm, again. I knew almost immediately that we were going back to Professor Dumbledore.

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