Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

We both started at the same time.

"Protego!" I said.

"Expelliarmus!" She said, but it bounced off my shield.

I returned the spell. "Expelliarmus!" Her wand flew out of her hand. I put the tip of my wand against her throat. "Do you yield?" I asked her. She tried to punch me, but I dodged her fist.

She sighed. "Fine. I yield." I put my wand away and handed hers back. She didn't say anything, just turned around to wait for everyone else to be done. I thought back on the short duel. I shouldn't have won that easily, it was as if she was going easy on me, but she had no reason to do that, so why did she. I turned to ask her, but she was gone. Darn it.

I looked around. She was waiting for Potter to get done, so I didn't want to go over there. It wasn't too important. It wasn't worth it.

The moment class was over, I ran to the Common Room. I didn't stop til I was safely there. I waited in there until I was risking being late to Potions. Then I hurried to the classroom. But the Pride was there, waiting for me. Snape was watching them, but they were ignoring him.

"You think that you can just punch me and get away with it? Well-" I interrupted Potter. "Excuse me, but I have to get in the classroom. So please move." Surprisingly, they moved aside. I knew something was wrong, but I walked past them and into the classroom. And promptly was shoved and fell flat on my face. The entire class sniggered.

I got up and trudged to the empty desk at the back of the room. As I walked back, I heard Snape give Potter detention. Now I was in for it. I had punched him and gotten him in detention, or that is what he would say. I sat down and grabbed my homework out of my bag and put another paper on it. I was working on a drawing of me and a certain cat. I was trying to draw the scene where I was sitting in front of the fireplace in a nice chair, with McGonagal, in cat form, on my lap. I was so engrossed in my drawing that I didn't hear anything that was going on in class, until a spitball landed in the fireplace. I brushed it off, then glanced up and saw that Snape was watching me, so I put it away. He nodded and continued his lesson. Another spitball hit my arm. I brushed it off and didn't look around. Another one hit me. I ignored it. Then Professor Dumbledore came in.

"I am sorry to interrupt your lesson, but I need to talk with you, Professor." So they went out together. When they left, the spitballs started flying. All at me, of course. I ignored them all. Snape came back in, and said something that nobody was expecting. "Class is dismissed. Henderson, stay behind. Get out." The last part was addressed to the few Ravenclaws that thought they should stay back. Snape closed the door behind them. Then he turned to me. "Who did you tell?" Then again, louder. "Who did you tell?!" He came towards me, and I shrank back. I shook my head. "Who did I tell what, sir? I don't understand." In response, he just handed me a letter.

To: Professor Severus Tobias Snape

We regret to inform you that you have 12 hours to resign from your position as Potions Master and Professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy, or you will be forcibly removed.

We have received notices from a reliable and credible source that you have physically, emotionally, and mentally abused students. For this reason, you will no longer be allowed on school grounds.

Minister of Magic,
Cornelius Fudge.

I shook my head again. "Sir, I didn't tell anyone, honest. The only person who ever knew was Tom, but you erased his memory. So nobody should know. Please... please believe me, sir." He relaxed a little. "I believe you. But now I have to go. They will probably have a hard time getting another teacher this time of year. You may leave now." So with that abrupt ending, I left. I didn't bother with anything else the rest of the day, just stayed in my little corner in the Common Room.

When everyone else came back from dinner, they talked about how Snape was leaving. I didn't care. I had finished my drawing, so I went to find Tom. He was talking with some of his friends, but when he saw me, he beckoned me over. "Did you need anything, Ivy?" He asked kindly. I nodded. "I was wondering if you knew the spell for duplicating stuff?" He nodded. "Sure, what do you need copies?" I showed him my picture. "I need three of them, so can you make two copies?" I asked. He smiled. "Of course I can. It is a very pretty drawing." He copied them and I thanked him. "Any time." Was his response, then I left and he continued his conversation with his friends.

I decided to risk going out. I hurried to McGonagal's office and knocked on the door. "Come in." Came the reply. I opened the door and walked in. She smiled when she saw me. "Ms. Henderson. What can I do for you?" I gave a small smile. "Actually, Professor, I have something for you." I handed her the picture. She smiled when she saw it. "This is beautiful! Did you draw this?" I nodded. "Yes, ma'am, I did. And I probably should be going. I have to talk with Professor Snape before he has to leave. Good night." I left and hurried back down. I knocked on the Potions classroom door. "Come in." So I did. "Professor, I have something for you." I said before I lost my courage. I held out my picture. Then I saw Potter. He got to clean out the cauldrons. I acted like I hadn't seen him. He acted the same. Snape took the picture. He looked at it and nodded his approval. "Thank you. You should get back to your dorm now. Good night." I said good night too, and then I left. I didn't run into the other Pride members on the way back.

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