Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

AN: The memory is from a fan film called Severus Snape and the Marauders, by Broad Strokes on YouTube. I would recommend watching it, it is very good. I just wanted to say that it belongs to them, not me. there is also major spoilers for the movie ahead, like one of the best parts of it.

"Well?" He asked expectantly. Tom answered him as though he had planned this all out. "Sir, I was wondering if you could help us with something?" He glared at me. "And what would that be?" I am terrified of the answer. "I was wondering if there is a potion to overcome fear?" Yes there is, and he should know that. "Yes, there is. But there is a better way of overcoming your fear. You face it. Surely you should know that, Tom, being a seventh-year student here." Tom ignored the last part. "And when can she meet you to face her fear." Snape turned to me, hate filling his eyes. 

"What did you tell him!" He was mad at me, very mad. Tom stepped in before anything could happen. "Professor, she tried to remove that conversation from my memory. She failed at the attempt, but she at least tried. She needed to talk to somebody about it. She can't keep it locked up forever. I had to help her, Professor. This was the only thing that I could think of." I was against the wall now, Tom was right in front of me, and Snape had his wand out. "Tom, please don't try to help, I am beyond anything that you can do. Please stop, you'll just make it worse." I whispered it, but both of them heard me. Tom turned around and faced me. He looked hurt. I hadn't realized how tall he was until now. Snape spoke before Tom could. "Step aside Tom."

Tom turned back around. "No."  Snape was mildly surprised. "Very well. Petrificus Totalus." Tom went rigid, then fell to the floor. Now it was just me and him. Before I could think of what was doing, I said a spell that he had used on me. "Legilimens." 

I saw a scene. There was a boy with messy dark hair and gold rimmed glasses, leaning against a tree, all bloodied up. There was another boy wearing all black and looked like a much younger Snape. Snape was mad. The other boy was begging. "Alright Severus, alright." He was gasping. "It's Severus now is it?" He growled. "Just... please..." He gasped. "Severus please, Severus please, please what. Please what! Please spare you, is that what you want Potter? You think you can hex and curse me all these years, take away the one person that I ever cared about, and you think that you can just brush me off. You have no idea what it is like to be me. You have no idea what it is like to lose something!" He was mad, almost crying, shouting a lot. "Your right. Your right. I'm sorry." "Sorry? Your sorry, now that I've bloodied you up, now that you fear me?" He shook his head. "Don't worry Potter, you won't last much longer." He was crying now. Potter was terrified. "No, Severus, no." "Goodbye Potter." "No, Severus, please!" Avada Kada-"

He stopped. A woman with red hair and a green sweater stood in between them. She wasn't happy. She was on the verge of tears. "Have you gone mad! What are you all doing?" "Lily, I..." "Did you think that one last row would solve everything? And what were you-" She turned to Potter and paused when she saw him. "What have you done?" She asked quietly. Then she repeated herself, yelling, drawing her wand as she turned back to Snape. "What have you done?!" "I just-" "I will never forgive you for this. You tell me what you've done. You tell me right now." Potter answered her. "We started it. He came to the bar to see you, and we, we tried to scare him off." "You, all of you, what were you doing there?" "I, I came to try to say-" Snape started. "To say what?!" She interrupted him. "To say that I'm sorry! I don't deserve to have you as a friend after what I called you, I know that, I've lived with it the past few years. You were my best friend and I ruined it. I ruined it after calling you that terrible name that I don't deserve to call anyone! I just came to try to tell you how horrible I was, and how grateful I am that you were there for me when no one else was." He took a deep breath. " I will never bother you again Lily. I hope that you can just-" 

She came and gave him a hug. "You still fancy the Dark Arts." They pulled apart. "And you still consort with people like Bellatrix. Show me, Severus, show me, and I might forgive you." She turned back to Potter and helped support him. "I hope to see you again." She said, then they apperated out. Severus was left alone in the woods. 

A voice behind me said "Get out of my head." It was the older Snape. I leaned back on the hard wall. His face looked very much like it had in his memory, betrayed, sad, lonely. I felt bad for him, even though I hate him, I still felt bad for him. "Who were the other people?" I asked. "He was James Potter, a bully, arrogant, proud, and selfish Gryffindor in my year. She was Lily Evans, Gryffindor, also in my year, the only one that I cared for, but I ruined our friendship after calling her a Mudblood. She had also been my only friend before I went to Hogwarts. We lived pretty close to each other, and I figured out that she was a witch. I told her, and eventually, she believed me. We became friends, then we went to Hogwarts. She was sorted into Gryffindor, and I was Slytherin. I tried to keep our friendship up, but it didn't work out. I shouldn't be telling you any of this. Obliv-" I interrupted him. "Please sir, I can keep this a secret. I won't tell anyone. I promise. Please." I pleaded with him. He was very reluctant to agree, but I need this information to understand him. I am already a bit less scared, which is good. "Very well, but if you do tell anyone, you will regret it." He pointed his wand at Tom. "Obliviate. Finite Incantatem. Go to breakfast. Both of you. And if word of it gets out, I will know that it was you, and punishment will follow." I nodded and ran, pulling Tom behind me.

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