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Hi everyone! So before I start, this is set after The Hound Of Baskerville, and before The Reichenbach Fall! Enjoy!


I stared at my phone, waiting for Greg to call with a lovely murder. My ringtone blasted through the homely apartment, and I nearly grinned.

"Will, you need to come down here. You're needed." Greg's voice filled my ears, and I wondered what was in store for me. I nearly smiled at the thought of a crime to uncover.

"On my way, see you in 5."

I threw on my trench coat, and laced my combat boots, before heading out of my door. Hailing a taxi, thousands of thoughts began to roam my mind.

Scotland Yard

"What's this one, Lestrade?" I glided into his office, sitting in a seat and propping my feet upon his desk.

"A married couple, tragically killed in their home last night."

I blinked. "Oh how terrible." I said with a monotone voice. "What the fuck is so bad about that? Married couple murdered, what a shame, but I don't care Greg!" I stood, slamming my fist upon the table.

"I knew you'd say this. It's not as ordinary as you think, the murderer write something on the wall, with their blood."

"How tedious."

"No- you'll want to read it."

My left eyebrow arched, and I nodded simply before slipping out of his office.

Sally popped into view, and came up to my face in an accusing manner. "Off to solve another crime with a smile on your face? Freak."

I narrowed my eyes before pushing her back so she fell onto the floor, her eyes wide. "Stay the fuck out of my way."

Crime Scene

I stood there, eyes squinted on the gruesome wall. I heard a conversation occurring in the background.

"No, don't go in there, go home! I have someone here already, she's actually quite fantastic and I cannot let you two meet!"

"What?!" A deep voice suddenly sounded: "Someone's in there, having a look?! Look Lestrade i'm the only consulting detective there is and-"

"I said, could you give me your phone?" I interrupted, holding out my arm.

Someone gasped, the doctor.

"Oh god." Greg moaned, putting his hands to his face and sighing in defeat. "I give up. Will, shout if you need me...even though you won't."

Two men appeared in front of me, blocking my view. "For goodness sake, I'm trying-" I stopped suddenly when I appeared to look in to some sort of mirror that changed your sex.

One of the men, a short, ex army doctor just back from Afghanistan (the one who gasped, it seems) looked at me quizzically before going pale. He stared at me, before I told him to take a picture (because it lasts longer).

I read the tall, mysterious 'detective' with one glance, before he looked at me the same way.

"John, I'm John Watson, you are?" I tore my gaze away from my boy self and stared at Dr Watson.

"Willow. I'm a consulting detective, apparently the best according to Graha- Greg." I said blankly. John held out his hand, I merely looked at it.

"I use to be an-"

"Army doctor. In Afghanistan I can only presume, although Iraq could of been possible but your tan would of been a bit darker. How's your leg? That cane you used to have was just weighing you down wasn't it? And the shot in the shoulder! I've been shot 16 times, dreadful isn't it. Doctors said I was lucky...I hate hospitals. Look at me here, still standing. A miracle, isn't it? I'm not a miracle. Nor am I a hero, or an angel. You're now helping this...detective with his work and blogging about it to the world! I wouldn't, personally but I guess there's nothing else to do, nowadays really." He gawked and sighed.

"Christ, not another one." He walked out of the room, a hand to his forehead.

The staring match continued.

"I'm Sherlock Holmes." He finally broke the silence, and I then realise this was the man who Greg said resembled me.


I smirked, something I hadn't done in years.

I took shots of the wall with the phone placed in my hand by this man, casting him away with my right arm. Sherlock was staring incredibly at me, wondering how on earth I deduced his roommate.

"Yes?" I sighed, boringly looking into his icy eyes.

"You can deduce marvellously." he frowned, clearly trying to get something from me. No luck.

I looked him up and down, and spoke my thoughts aloud.

"A consulting detective, like myself eh? You've just been eating a small amount of cereal before rushing here after Lestrade called you (accidentally as he didn't want us two meeting) wonder why? You don't eat much, the cereal was just something that was put in front of you, by your house keeper. Yes, house keeper as you and Dr Watson clearly do not live in a house by yourself, but a flat of an old lady's house. Your eyes show tiredness and the bags under your eyes prove to me that you don't sleep- not a lot anyway. You don't like showing emotion (much like myself) but I can see that right now you're astonished, obviously because you don't think I'm real, I am a version of you but a little different and you like to think you are the only consulting detective...wrong! Oh, and you've been shooting a wall! I do that, your shoes have sawdust and wall wood scattered slightly on them and you haven't been putting anything up, and you haven't been working with walls because you're a detective so you've been shooting a wall, because you were bored. Obviously."

John breathed from the door, amazed and muttered "Obviously."

Lestrade simply grabbed Sherlock's arm and tried to pull him out before shit went down.

Suddenly, Sherlock struggled from the grip of the DI, and ran in front of me.

"You have to come by Baker Street, 221b Baker Street. We should solve crimes together, and I never thought I'd say this to anyone but you are brilliant." Greg and John widened their eyes at Sherlock's confession.

"Come by Baker Street? I live on Baker Street... I'd be delighted." I logged my number into his sleek iphone (fairly new) and slipped it into his pocket while he looked at me, mesmerised. I smiled, genuinely, and Greg's mouth hung open as he made a shocked noise.

"I was honestly terrified about you two meeting, but seeing you smile for the first time since that explosion, has made me grateful."

And with that, I swiftly walked out of the house and back to Baker Street. Sherlock was bound to text any time soon.


First chapter! I'm not doing any episodes before Reichenbach, but I am doing The Reichenbach Fall and I'm still contemplating series 3. I hope you like it so far!

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