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A noise made me stop my tea making.

Come to 221b.

Mrs Hudson knows about your arrival.


I only had to look out of my window to see 221b, and I was there within 10 seconds as I just crossed the road.

I use the knocker, moving it out of place slightly.

An old woman, I can only deduce as being Mrs Hudson, opened the door and welcomed me in with a nice comment on my whole outfit and hair (basically on about how I looked like Sherlock) and baffled on about me being his sister, until she finally gestured to upstairs.

"Sherlock? Army Doctor? Emmm...Dr Watson?! That was it." I skeptically asked and shouted, bounding up three steps at a time.

"Hi, Will." John waved, situated at a small table typing on his blog, presumably.

"Hello Dr Watson, Mr Holmes." I exclaimed politely, sitting in Sherlock's seat. I knew it was his, as he was about to head towards it and sit on it. Sherlock didn't seem to mind and sat on John's chair. A look spread across John's face: what the fuck Sherlock hates anyone sitting on his chair, why is he suddenly chill?!

"Please, just John and Sherlock is fine," John smiled.

Sherlock just sat there, staring into my eyes.

"So...the writing upon the wall. Have some enemies do you, Will?" Sherlock quizzed.

I slowly picked up a violin placed on the arm chair. I played a short rhythm.

"It helps me think." I muttered to the face of Watson, noticing the shock- he shook his head and looked to his blog. "Yes Sherlock, I do."

John turned away from his laptop and peered at me curiously, again. "I never even got a chance to see the blood splattered on the walls earlier, I was distracted." He gave us both a pointed look. "What did it say?"

I bored into his eyes tediously, before snapping my head to the clone of myself.

"What? It was directed to you! You tell him." Sherlock smirked.

I sighed, "Dr Watson, the words left were nothing of your concern and I wouldn't worry about it." I let my face get dangerously close to his. I carefully slipped out my gun, and John's face was clearly readable. "I don't think anyone else really needs to know. If people want to ask me any more questions, I will tire and become bored." I menacingly stared at the ex army doctor, and scratched my head with the loaded pistol.

Sherlock was pale, and John continued, "Wh-Why is the murder so i-important?" John stumbled, and my face became blank.

"I told you I'd become bored if one more question was to be asked," I said simply.

John gulped as Sherlock cursed.

And then...I shot the wall.

"BORED." I shouted, smirking as John muttered "christ," and Sherlock let out a sigh of relief.

"I thought you was going to shoot me, god you and sherlock, shit!" John groaned.

"Great acting skills. You really had me going." Sherlock smiled, amused by my perfect shot at the smiley face, right in the middle of it's eyes.

I shot again. My boredom began to make me infuriate.

"Fucking smiley face with it's stupid yellow happiness, FUCK YOU!" I screamed, shooting again and again.

"Please don't hit the furniture, dear!" Mrs Hudson gently called.

Two strong arms pulled me back, as I seemed to be attacking the wall, shooting at the whole flat and breaking a lot of stuff.

The arms shook me and placed me in a chair, Sherlock's chair. Sherlock's arms stopped violently shaking and rubbed my arms instead, soothingly, and I responded by widening my eyes at mutual touch.

"Asexual." he murmured, casting a glance. "same." I slightly smiled. "You're not just a detective, are you? No you're not...you're clever and you know how to get rid of people. Murderers, evil people. Today, you said you've been shot at 16 times, and you have, only you fired the first bullet. You're quite lonely, and seem to be without friends or family. I recall Gavin mentioning something about an explosion, something I want to uncover but I'm guessing it is someone, or could even be a lot of people, from your close circle. Your whole appearance screams 'mystery' and 'dangerous' as well as the obvious others. You work for someone, someone who knows everyone and how to get to everyone," He stopped briefly, searching through my coat pockets. "Ah, I gathered. You are full of surprises, Miss Willow! Yet you are fantastic, to be brave enough to go through this job alone. Agent, must be great money. You work with the British Government and-" He stopped all of a sudden. I curiously glanced at his features to see why, and realised he'd figured something out.

"Carry on love."

"British Government...do you know Mycr-"

"oft Holmes? Yes of course, I work along side hi-"

I stared insanely into his gorgeous eyes.

"Holmes." we both said.

Then we both grinned.

"Am I missing something?" John's voice asked.

I rolled my eyes, "John you seem to be a lot more of an idiot than you let on. You know my number, Sherl, call me because I'm positive you'll want to work with me on this case."

And with that, I crawled under Sherlock's arms that were either side of the chair I was on, and turned around, winking and clicking my tongue at the same time.


I smiled, even though I just got insulted.

"Why are you smiling?" Sherlock's dazed voice rang through my ears.

"She called me John." I smiled again, my cheeks hurting.

"Oh shit!" Sherlock grunted, which is weird because he doesn't curse a lot.


"I didn't even talk to Willow about what I wanted to!" You're fault John, don't ask her questions!"

"You like her."

"No." he mumbled, un doubtfully irritated. "Goodnight!" he shouted, grabbing me and shoving my body into my room, and slammed the door.

What the actual fuck?! It's 5:38!

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