Spider bite

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Zen: guys!

Lia: we're bored!

Jack: why don't you both play with dolls or something?!

everyone but Jack,Zen and Lia: JACK WHY DID YOU SAY THAT!?!?!

Zen: oh you did not just say that to me and Lia!

Lia: you are going down frost D-O-W-N DOWN!!!

Jack: me and my big mouth.

Zen: HIYAAAAA* runs to Jack then stops and opens her hands to show a spider *

Jack: *screams like a girl* AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!


Eugene: what's a PPP room?

Hic: *sigh* PPP stands for Princess Protection Program.

Kristoff: I thought it stands for Peanut Pears and Pork chop?

Eugene: yeah me too.

Jack: get that away from me it's purple and purple reminds me of Barney!!!

Elsa: Zen,Lia stop it that's enough.

Zen: ok!

Lia: yeah I'm done too!* gets the spider from Zen and sets it free *

Jack: why did you set it free that thing has poison and where did you even get that?!

Hic: I saw them get it from the jungle room and Jack is right that spider is purple for a reason,it contains poison that can make someone fall asleep in just minutes.

Kristoff: Zen how did you get it to not bite you?!

Lia: easy we just fave it chocolate.

Eugene: so where did that poisonous spider went, it might bite the kids.

Jack: don't worry its gone now no one can get bitten by it.

Elsa: oww! hey * looks at her shoulder and sees the spider * g-guys I-I found T-The spider.

Zen: did you get bit!

Elsa: it's just a tiny b-bite...there's n-nothing t-to t-to w-worry about*falls unconscious*

*Punzie,Anna and Mer come in*

Anna: is the spider gone,WHAT HAPPENED TO MY SISTER!!!*runs to Elsa with Jack cradling her in his arms*

Kristoff: spider bite.

Mer: Hiccup what's gonna happen to her ?!

Hic: wait let me check the internet.*grabs his phone and searches*

* young nine walk in *

Ellie: *sees Elsa in Jack's arms* MOMMY!*runs to them*

Jackson: dad what happened to mom?!

Jack: kids don't panic it's only a spider bite she's just asleep.

Annie: when is auntie Elsa gonna wake up?

Eugene: ask your uncle Hiccup.

*everyone stares at Hic searching his phone*

Hic: well...there's good news and bad news.

Punzie: good news first!

Hic: ok it says here that if a person gets bitten by that spider*points to a dead spider* wait who killed it?!

Anna: nobody messes with my sister.

Hic: uhm ok,that person will fall into a deep slumber but can wake up.

Mer: what's the bad news?

Hic: the spider is actually magic and the only ways to wake up a someone who got bitten is...true loves kiss!

Jack: That's it?!

Hic: yup!

Punzie: kiss her already!

Jack:*leans in and kisses Elsa* Elsa?

*minutes passed*

Anna: why isn't it working HIC?!

Hic:  oh it says here we have to wait 6-7 days

Punzie,Anna: 67 days?!

Hic: no 6-7 days

Jack: I won't survive!

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