Hiccup's revenge

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this chapter is dedicated to Lia my friend who always has my back.

I dare the big eight to play minecraft~bubblegum112002.

Hic: YES! now I can get revenge on that stupid creeper!*mutters to himself* he'll pay for killing my pink sheep.

Mer: let's make a bet!

Zen: what kind of bet?

Lia: ooh I know! let's make it hunger games style,the last three standing gets to.....


ZeLia: YEAH!

Jack: why do you want to kill me so much?! it's not even torcher Jack day you guys said it's only every Sunday?!

Zen: we changed it weeks ago.

Lia: now let's play.

*everyone joined in and start killing eachother*

Elsa and Anna: take that sis!*hits eachother with an arrow and both die*dangit! jinks...jinks again.

Punzie: Eugene where are you,oh there you are*throws mushroom stew*

Kristoff: hey you just killed me!

Punzie: oops sorry*dies*oh hey'll naw!

Eugene: ha! gotcha*dies*what the?!

Mer: Mwahahahaha!

Hic: there you are creeper!*kills the creeper*FINALLY! that was for you my little pink sheep I have avenge you!*dies*Noooo!

Mer: shut up Hic! get over it you spent 30 minutes finding that exact creeper just so you can avenge your dead pink sheep?!*dies*WHAT IN BLOODY HELL!

Jack: wohoo I killed Mer!*dies*it was fun while it lasted.

ZenEmmeLia: WE WON!

Jack: wow didn't expect that to happen*sarcasm**groans*

Lia: we really want to spank you real bad.

Zen: but! we will spare you.

Jack: really?

Emmetha: yup!

Elsa: is this another trick?

Zen: nope! we're really sparing him.

Lia: we're tired of trying to kill him even though he will still live cause he's a guardian.

Jack: *grins* hey Hic! did you kill that creeper who killed your pink sheep.

Hic: yes!

Jack: *scratches neck* well...I was the one who killed it I just framed the creeper.

Hic: that's ok man cause I saw that exact creeper kill my pink pig.

Jack: pigs are pink you can't color then cause they don't have wool.

Hic: I know!*mutters to himself again*no wonder I can't color it green.

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