shopping mayhem

555 22 4

I dare Hiro and Jackson to go to the supermarket and buy sunhats.

Hiro: that isn't so bad.

Jackson: ...dude read the rest.

wearing only their underwear-Amelia200311/Lia.

Hiro: dang!

Zen: I'll drop you Two off.

Jackson: how?

Zen: I'm a licensed Eco bike driver.

Hiro: what's an Eco bike?

Zen: *sighs* its like a motorcycle half bike vehicle.

Hiro: ...still don't get it?

Zen: it looks like a mini motorcycle with pedals,its rechargeable so that's why its called Eco and it doesn't run on gas.

Hiro: oh...

*after a lot of crashing into bushes and stripping off clothes*

Zen: go in there now!

Hiro and Jackson: fine...*go inside and tries to find the hat shop*

random person: what are they wearing?!

random person 2: they should be ashamed of themselves!

Hiro and Jackson: *blushing hardcore*

Zen: *secretly videoing them*

*after awhile of being embarrassed the two finally come out of the supermarket wearing sunhats*

Zen: guys look at this!*shows the others the video*

*everyone burst into fits of laughter*

Hiro: Lia owes me big time for this!

Jackson: you have a really hardcore girlfriend.

Zen: *giggling* Jackson your cute when your mad like that.*kisses Jackson's cheek*

Jackson: *blushes* I feel much better now!

Hiro: not me.

Baymax: *waves at you with Toothless* good bye readers.

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