That cycle

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Zayn's POV

I didn't have to get out of bed to realize that I'm inside a girl's body again. I felt boobs, but somehow it feels like I'm not in Constance's body because the feeling's different... down there.

I opened my eyes and saw that I was in her room. I couldn't explain why I felt so relieved that I'm inside her body and not in another girl's. Maybe I just didn't want to adjust to a different life again. I got up and looked for her phone. It was on a table across the room. I stood up to get it and then I texted my phone, asking if Constance was in my body. What if she was stuck in another person's body? What if this is a cycle and everytime it happens, it changes?

I waited for a reply, but she didn't respond. I rushed to the loo because it felt like I needed to pee.

Peeing while sitting down takes a lot of getting used to. It feels very different, because everytime I sit down, it feels like I was going to shit and not just piss.

I felt something strange. After peeing, I was about to flush the toilet when I saw blood. Lots of blood.

I removed all of my clothes and ran out of the bathroom to get Constance's robe.

The first thing I did when we first got switched was to look at myself inside the bathroom, naked. I'm still a guy, what can I do?

Now I'm standing in front of the mirror, bleeding out, and I don't know what to do.

I grew up with a penis! I'm not supposed to know what to do!

She still wasn't replying, so I just called her.


"Are you Constance?"

"Yes, and how many times do I have to tell you that you're not supposed to call me Con--"

"Why are you not replying to my texts?!"

"Would you please stop shouting at me? God, I didn't realize how annoying my voice was until now."

"Why are you getting mad at me?!"

"Well if you were the one who woke up on someone's lawn with a throbbing head and a turning stomach and then have someone shout at you through the phone, you wouldn't exactly be friendly, would you?" Damn, she really was angry. I felt bad for her. Last night I attended a party and had a few drinks. I don't know what happened to me. Well, I do now.

"Did you know that I just woke up and I'm currently bleeding?"

"What?! You got into a fight while you're inside my body?"

"I'm ---"

"Don't you dare apologize to me, Malik! For seventeen years I have been taking care of my body only to have you destroy it because----"

"I'm menstruating." Ahhhh!!!!! It sounds so weird when I say it, I never want to say it again.

"You're.... what?"

"I'm bleeding out of your fucking vagina, now what do I do?" Okay, I just had to. But what do you do when you have blood continuously coming out from you? This is something a bandage couldn't fix!

"Okay, just relax and take a bath. And I know it feels like you can't relax, that's because of the hormones, but just try to not feel any... intense feeling because it might just get worse."

What?! This could still get worse?

As soon as I heard that, I felt blood literally rushing out. Yup, definitely worse.

"....and then get a pad from the second cabinet and just find a way to wear it properly." What the fuck was that supposed to mean?!

I opened the cabinet and saw several packs of sanitary pads.

Switched | Zayn Malik AUWhere stories live. Discover now