Cinnamon Sugar Pretzels

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Constance's POV

I woke up to the smell of pancakes and crispy bacon. I wanted to get up right away but then I realized that Harry was cuddling me.

He was shirtless and I saw his tattoos. I realized that I've not given much thought to them. I wondered if Harry was an impulsive person. Like, does he randomly think of something and then goes to a tattoo shop and gets himself inked?

He has a butterfly tattoo on his stomach and two birds slightly above his chest. I traced over them, thinking about how he must have felt when he got them.

He opened his eyes as the sunlight hit his face. He looks like a baby with his hair all messed up.

"Morning, Love." He says as he kisses my forehead. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yup. Better than I ever did." I said while hugging him.

"Mm, do I smell pancakes?" He said while snelling the air.

"They might be waffles, but whatever they are, I bet they're delicious." I said while sitting up.

"Let's just cuddle for a couple more minutes, please?"

"But Harry..."


"Fine." I said while lying back down.

I was cuddling him when I felt something slightly below his stomach.

I remember having the morning wood when I was in Zayn's body and it was really horrible. I have to be honest, I've already tried doing some...things with it, but that's just because I needed to. And also, I've been curious, so you can't really blame me.

I woke up an hour after and he wasn't beside me anymore. I stood up and walked to the window to admire the view outside.

Their garden was beautiful. There were different types of flowers and they looked like they're well taken care of.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Harry said while hugging me from behind.

"Your mom slays at gardening."

"When Gemma started working, my mom had to look for several forms of entertainment to keep herself busy. So she maintains the garden, and she also likes cooking. Speaking of which, I just asked her to teach me how to make cinnamon sugar pretzels, so I think you should come down with me."

After fixing myself, I followed Harry into their kitchen and saw how much they have prepared for this breakfast.

"Good morning, Honey! We made you breakfast! How was your night?" Anne said while putting the pretzel plate on the table.

"I slept well. Thank you for letting me stay here."

"It's my pleasure. Anyway, as much as I'd love to stay, I'll be attending yoga classes in an hour so I'll leave you guys now. Harry, you take care of the dishes and Stacy, I'd really love to see you again. Thank you." She said as she kisses both of us in our cheeks.

"I love you Mom." Harry said.

I love how he's not embarrassed of his mom. Most guys would avoid their mom's kisses and don't usually say how they feel but Harry isn't like those guys. He's sweet and thoughtful and kind. He's perfect.

I saw him taking a photo of the table and my hands while I was eating.

"Um, what are you doing?"



"I don't know, I just really like posting stuff online. To people, those things might be random, but to me, it's probably one of the most memorable moments of my life. Like right now, you're eating the first ever pretzel I've ever made in my life, which makes me so, so proud of myself."

I smiled at him and he smiled back at me.

And then a big golden retriever enters the kitched and barks at me.

"Hey, William, calm down, it's Stacy. Stacy, this is William." Harry says to both of us, as if the dog really is a person.

"Like the prince?"

"Yeah, sure. Now shake." I was confused by what he just said, but when the dog held out his paw, I understood it right away.

Really, Stacy? Who's the dog here?

I was playing with William when Harry's phone rang. He excused himself to take the call and went outside.

Not that I was eavesdropping, but I overheard him say "I'm with my girlfriend.". It's the first time I've ever heard him say that and it felt good.

He walked back inside and told me that he was talking to Matt, one of his cousins.

After doing the dishes, we went back up to Harry's room. I checked my phone and I received calls and texts from Georgie, my mom, and Zayn. But one text caught my attention. The one Louis sent me. It says:

"Zayn found out where you are, you have to leave ASAP."

But no one else knows that I was here except for Harry and Maria. I told Maria not to tell anyone but Georgie, so maybe Georgie told Zayn?

"You okay?" Harry asked.

"Yup. It's just that... I have to go home as soon as possible. My mom's really worried."

"Okay, I'll just go and get changed. I'll drive you home."

"No, I can just walk or something. I could also use some exercise."

"You sure? It's a little too far for a walk if you need to get home as fast as you can."

I weighed the pros and cons, and then I realized that the last thing I want is for Harry to open the door and for him to have to face Zayn.

"Okay, sure. Why don't you also bring some movies so we can just watch there?" I finally replied.

"Okay. And I'll bring board games, too." He said while running to Gemma's room.

I never thought he would be someone who plays board games. God, I was so wrong about him. He's different from what I thought he was. The better type of good.

He drove me to my house and we watched a bunch of movies before he had to leave to fetch his mom from yoga.

I wanted him to stay because he was the distraction from what happened last night, but I couldn't tell him that.

I checked my phone and Zayn was still calling me. He also checked my location a couple of times, so I turned it off.

How was I supposed to avoid him now? What if we get switched again?

I had to find distractions so I read books and did my homework but everytime I end an activity, I think about him. He's everywhere.

The next day I went to the mall for some retail therapy. And by that, I mean, I went book shopping.

On my way out I saw Perrie and Louis talking so I stayed hidden and eavesdropped into their conversation.

"But you have to move on. Do you know how annoying you are?" Louis said.

"You don't understand, Louis! Zayn kissing that girl doesn't mean that he already loves her! He wants me, I know he does. She left him, right? That means he's MINE."

What?! She knows about our kiss? How did she know? Did Louis tell her?

"You know what? Fine. Think whatever you want to think, but you can never be half as good as she is. And stop being so desperate." Louis says as he walks away.

Perrie started walking shortly after Louis has left. I can't help but think about the conversation they just had. Does Perrie know everything?

I went home and prepared myself for tomorrow's class. I'm pretty sure Perrie's going to make my life a living hell.

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